Rating:  Summary: Lack of Humor ruins excellent premise Review: Brook's lack of humor ruins what could have been a gem. I'm not sure if the book's humorlessness is supposed to pass for satire or not, but because it's presented so "realistically," the fun is entirely drained out of the subject matter. The most amusing thing in the book is the author's bio (Max Brook lives in New York but is ready to relocate to a remote location on moment's notice). If you find that hillarious, then this book is for you. I was quite dissapointed. The book is a complete waste of time as a zombie genre book, a survivalist book, and as a satirical work. Too bad. Could have been fun.
Rating:  Summary: Not funny, but... Review: When I picked up this book, I thought it would be a laugh-out-loud kind of book, judging from the subject matter and the back blurb. Trust me when I say the funniest parts of the book are condensed onto the back blurb.That doesn't make it a bad book. When I started reading, I got the eerie feeling Mr. Brooks kinda, sorta believes zombies are real. If not, he did a very good job of convincing his readers he thinks they exist. It could be his humor was very subtle, and he intentionally wrote it to be so utterly serious that it crosses the line to utterly silly. Maybe I just missed the line. This is a good book for the die-hard zombie fans. Don't buy it if you're looking for a quick read that will leave you gasping with laughter. But if you want to know how to survive the inevitable Class Four zombie invasion--and how to watch for the precursors leading up to it--you won't mind shilling out $$$ for this book.
Rating:  Summary: bbrraaaiinnnss... Review: this book occupied me for awhile. it is hilarious. anyone who likes zombie movies needs it.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Review: This book is by far not only one of the best humor books I have ever read, but one of the best BOOKS I have ever read. The fact that the author makes the scenerios seem so real is what makes this so enjoyable to read. Plus, being somewhat of a zombie lore-o-phile (Dawn of the Dead baby!) would kind of make me obligated to give this book such a good review. But this book also makes you think........what if the world was taken over by zombies (the flesh eating kind)?
Rating:  Summary: Twist on zombies Review: This definitely is a good book. I've read a few survival guides that were in the humor section and none were as fun to read as this. The author uses very dry humor(the best kind)by not being funny at all. That's what makes this book so fun, as opposed to funNY. Most zombie stories, good or bad, transport you into the world of zombies, whereas this one kind of brings the zombies out into your world. After reading this book, I was thinking about making a list of supplies. That's how realistic this book is. It's pure fun. If there were such a thing as zombies, this would be in the reference section. Very thorough and very entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Full of **** Review: no buybook him no ideea wat hetalkin aboutte we--imean- zombie frendly want tobe freindsand jst scard want warm fleshto eet--er, um------no lissen to watt crasy man say. him probly taste good
Rating:  Summary: Handy advice, a few glaring omissions Review: Finally, a decent tome to guide the common man through any zombie armageddon. It is near-perfect, and it offers overall sound advice. Brooks is entirely wrong, however, when it comes to the M-16 (modern variants, incl. the M4) v. AK-47 question. The reliability issues that Brooks cites haven't applied to the M16 in over 25 years. If kept clean and happy, the M16A4 and the M4, are many times more accurate and reliable than the AK-47. In fact, some would say that it is more suited to combatting the living dead than the living, as long-range accuracy is key. Moreover, the M16A4/M4 are common to American military and law enforcement, and no domestic zombie survivalist should pass one up. The author also ignores the proven zombie-killing action of the modern tomahawk: smaller than an ax, bigger than a hatchet, and easier to use than either. One last point, although Brooks is correct in saying that large vehicles are potential death traps, nobody should overlook the break-out power of a good solid trash truck. It won't get you far, but it will get out of the neighborhood in a hurry.
Rating:  Summary: A Necessary Book Review: Despite a few inconsistencies, this is the finest book on zombie survival ever written. Perhaps the best advice is not to trust what you've learned from Hollywood movies. From personal experience, I've learned it's never safe to barricade yourself in the basement. The author presents a great deal of scientific evidence relating to the cause of the zombie menace and various efforts to counteract it. Before reading this book, I was not aware that any serious research had been conducted on the cause of the zombie phenomenon. Parts of the book are just plain impractical. I don't believe the zombie threat is serious enough to warrant building a 10 foot high brick wall with steel reinforcement and a sliding metal door around my house and I cannot presently afford to tear down my house and re-build it in the manner of the tornado proof houses in other parts of the country. I also noted one glaring contradiction, the author urges the reader to obey all local, state and federal laws yet makes several references to using silencers on firearms. It's my understanding that silencers are currently against the law in my country. Also, no mention is made of the silencer's effect on skull penetrating power of the bullet. Again, I'm not familiar with silencers, but I believe, at the very least, they affect the range of the bullets. This book is highly recommended to ALL. It's easy to laugh now but you won't be laughing when the zombies come to your door.
Rating:  Summary: Satire to the nth degree Review: The word parody is thrown around alot with this book but I tend to look on it more as a satire that sits way to close to the truth. The truth being the survivalist movement. I found it to be more of a satire of the survivalists and it rings very true after the Y2K hullaballoo. The zombies are thrown in just to have something to survive. This is a funny book but don't expect huge belly laughs. Truth be told, when the zombies do rise, this book may prove valuable. (Tongue firmly planted in cheek.)
Rating:  Summary: Fun October Reading Review: You can see it in fine print on the back, next to the price. "Humor" This book doesn't really produce the kinds of laughs most of look for in books one might find in the Humor section. It moves the reader instead to a king of amused admiration for the thoroughness of the parody. Brooks does a good job of maintaining a consistently serious voice. At first, I wasn't sure if it was parody or the writing of someone with, you know, issues. His matter-of-fact cataloging of past Zombie "incidents" had me checking a few via google.com to see if he had based these on actual historical events! The humor here is subtle and wry and not everyone will get it. As some other review mentioned, it would be hard to beat this book as a Halloween gift. I also thought of it as gift for a couple of friends of mine who are a bit too prone to take seriously conspiracy theories and paranormal silliness.