Rating:  Summary: A mixed bag Review: While this book is meticulously researched, one thing is very apparent right from the start. The author is massively in awe of his subject. In this particular case, that tends to get in the way of the enjoyment of the book in certain spots.Occasionally he weaves what are probably tall tales into the story just like they are certifiable fact and he often justifies every oddball decision Monroe ever made. Just tune out some of the author's personal opinions and this is a great read. That being said, the book is very entertaining. You get a good sense of the struggles Monroe had to go through to attain the success he achieved later in life. He definately suffered for his art (although that suffering was self-inflicted sometimes.) The author conducted tons of interviews with Bill's former sidemen, his lovers, his family and other important folks. To the author's credit, he reveals a very multi-faceted Bill Monroe. Everyone has the impression that he was just some country bumpkin with a mandolin and the author does his subject justice by proving that Monroe was so much more. Monroe was a complex man with great personal as well as professional struggles. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and will end this review with one great story from the book. Bill Monroe is at the White House to receive his Medal of Arts from the president. Frank Sinatra is also there and comes up to Bill and compliments him on his music. Monroe says, "I didn't catch your name son." When Sinatra tells him his name, Monroe looks at him and says, "You know, I believe I've heard of you" and walks off.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT START! Review: While this won't be the definitive work on Monroe it's the one that had to be written before anything further can be done. Someone once wrote that a biographer should be sympathetic to his subject. Smith might have overdone it a bit but I personally don't think it got in the way as much as some other reviewers. I think what he did do,however, is spend too much time trying to define what made Monroe tick. On the VERY positive side he didn't stoop to a chronicle of the endless "Monroe Stories" that circulate. (I knew one of his many banjo players quite well and he could entertain you for hours with "Monroe Stories"). Hilarious at a cocktail party, but that's where they belong. I think overall it's a great book and gave it only four stars because much more work needs to be done to define Bill if that's even possible but this is a great step in that direction.
Rating:  Summary: Overall Interesting Review: Who was Bill Monroe? Everyone who knows anything about country or bluegrass music knows the name but do you know the man? Most likely not. This book sheds light on who he was. What made the man tick from his childhood and throughout the hardships of his adult life. A fiercly proud man and an extremely hard worker who demanded as much from his band as he did himself. This book points out the reasons behind many of the stories and the roots of the legends. It also shows Bill Monroe in all his glory as well as all his shame. It points out his faults as well as his strengths. Addressing many of the events of his life with candor. Overall this was a really good book. If there was one thing keeping me from giving this book five stars it was the fact that the author was found of making statements like "i'm sure Bill must have felt......". Of course he had done extensive research but I felt at these points he inflected too much of his own opinion. Does he really think he knew what Bill Monroe was feeling? Most of his relatives didn't. Beyond that, I recommend this book for good reading on the subject of Bill Monroe. Read it with a few more books on the subject and get a well rounded opinion of this great man.
Rating:  Summary: Overall Interesting Review: Who was Bill Monroe? Everyone who knows anything about country or bluegrass music knows the name but do you know the man? Most likely not. This book sheds light on who he was. What made the man tick from his childhood and throughout the hardships of his adult life. A fiercly proud man and an extremely hard worker who demanded as much from his band as he did himself. This book points out the reasons behind many of the stories and the roots of the legends. It also shows Bill Monroe in all his glory as well as all his shame. It points out his faults as well as his strengths. Addressing many of the events of his life with candor. Overall this was a really good book. If there was one thing keeping me from giving this book five stars it was the fact that the author was found of making statements like "i'm sure Bill must have felt......". Of course he had done extensive research but I felt at these points he inflected too much of his own opinion. Does he really think he knew what Bill Monroe was feeling? Most of his relatives didn't. Beyond that, I recommend this book for good reading on the subject of Bill Monroe. Read it with a few more books on the subject and get a well rounded opinion of this great man.