Rating:  Summary: Great Guy, Great Book.. Review: ...It's his right to write this book. Michael Bergin didn't have to write this book.. but was forced to speak the truth to silence the rumor mills and fictious tabloids out there. He's a real person with real feelings, and I'm sure the negative comments that are online aren't making him feel that great.. Come on guys, let up. He was very hesitant to write this book... I can't wait to read his book. He's led a very fascinating life.. and I am more interested in reading about his life as a model than the parts in it about Carolyn. and of course, Mike should be paid for the tremendous amount of time it must of taken to write this book.. Peace
Rating:  Summary: Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone... Review: I have spent the past 1/2 hour reading the previous reviews. Although I have not yet read the book, I did watch the A&E interview with Michael Bergin. My reaction to the readers response [many who have not read the book either, I might add] is utter amazement. Who are we to pass judgement on Michael Bergin? He came across in the interview as a person who truly loved Carolyn Kennedy. And whatever his motives for writing this, it is NOT for us to pass judgement. This story is being told through his eyes and only he knows the truth. So those of you on the "high moral ground", I suggest you take note of my "subject" line.
Rating:  Summary: Give this guy a break Review: To the majority of reviewers who did not read the book but are trashing it, give this guy a break. We are all flawed and we are all human. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with his decision to write this book, this is his life experience! He dispels the "fairy tale " myth of Camelot.Life is real! Perhaps he is even giving us insight on why Carolyn never seemed happy after winning the most eligible man in the world. Once again we learn a valuable lesson here: Marry for love not MONEY!
Rating:  Summary: She comes off as extremely selfish Review: Nobody knows the author's motives but the author himself. With that said I admit to being just floored that Carolyn Bessette had two abortions and a miscarriage (supposedly). If she was as intelligent as everyone says why on earth did she not practice birth control? How could she be so selfish and decide to end the lives of her unborn children because "it's just not the right time." She had choices and she could have been responsible prior to conception (same goes for Michael Bergin). The assumption is that JFK Jr. had no idea his wife had two abortions...I am not at all pleased that my opinion of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy has changed and for the worse. I once thought the world of her and I cant help but feel disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo Review: What an amazing and truthful book. The customer reviews for this book are NOT reviews, many have said that they haven't read the books. Save us all some time and keep your personal thoughts about the author to yourself, they have nothing to do with this book. I think it's clear that the author waited a long time to bring this forward and to shed some light on JFK Jr's wife, a lot of things that nobody knew previously. Getting rich is not the goal with writing this book, at least I didn't come away with that thought after actually READING the book.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely deplorable! Review: Out of sick curiosity, I read experts of this "book", when I was in the bookstore. A day later, had the immense displeasure of watching about 15 minutes of the dim-witted Michael Bergin's interview on A&E. This man and his book are absolutely pathetic. Anyone who buys this book is simply contributing to lining the pocket of some small time creep with delusions of grandeur. It's not appropriate to laugh when it's in reference to someone's death, but his description of his "loving" Hawaiian tribute to her death IS laughable and his crocadile tears when describing it, even more so. If he felt and still feels so loving toward her, how about just leaving the poor woman's memory alone instead of trashing her with his sordid "memories" to make a quick buck. As if it's not pathetic enough to try to compare himself to JFK, Jr., he tries convincing us all of Carolyn's intense love. Hearing that his "realization of how much she loved me" was based on the fact that she supposedly broke a window and stomped on his VCR. This is a sign of someone's "love" in this guys mind. Whatever! Kind of makes me want to go take a cold shower! But, I suppose...... a washed up acting "career" and not looking so good in those Calvin Kleins anymore...What's a guy with no moral fortitude left to do to pay his rent? Readers: Please save your money and go buy some lottery tickets or something else a little more worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: Michael is a wonderful and decent person Review: I worked with Michael in NY and I can tell every reader or potential one that he is a wonderful and down to earth person. AND he is very well liked because he's really a decent person and I happen to know this relationship with Carolyn wasn't just a casual one. I have not read the book but I am certain whatever he would do would not intend to tarnish anyone's image nor be all about money. If that were the case, he wouldn't have waited five years to make the money! He's just not that "Hollywood" nor is he in the slightest, egotistical. He's truly a very down to earth guy. So don't be so cynical about people's motives. Sometimes there are decent people who write books about a tragedy that impacted them. Just because "celebrity" is involved doesn't give them any less right.
Rating:  Summary: What's the big deal? Review: I find the anger being expressed at Michael Bergin for writing this book to be baffling. He is writing a story that is supposedly true about his love life with a famous woman. How is this book different from all the other books written about celebrities or other Kennedys? Was Joan Crawford's daughter a sleazebag for exposing her mother's abusiveness in Mommie Dearest? Was Richard Clarke a sleazebag for writing a scathing book about his former employer, George W. Bush, whom he once pledged loyalty to? This is his story and he has a right to talk about it, in his book and anywhere else. I believe most people are mad because they don't want the public to realize that Carolyn and JFK Jr. were flawed indidviduals with issues like the rest of us. They want this public-image, fairytale lie to continue because the truth may be a little too ugly. Would I have written a book exposing my ex-lover's unflattering, deepest secrets that I know she wouldn't want exposed? No. But Bergin has, and as a person interested in Carolyn Besette and the REAL story, not the one made up by the media who are still in love with the Kennedys and the idea of Camelot, I want to read this book, and I will. Whether I buy it or not is questionable, but I will read it.
Rating:  Summary: For Thought Review: Into the space of one little hour sins enough may be conjured up by evil tongues to blast the fame of a whole life of virtue. WASHINGTON IRVING
Rating:  Summary: It was a sentimental testament to a failed relationship Review: I enjoyed this book. It was a love story, no more no less between two young people. Michael was her boyfriend, she meets JFK Jr. and is swept off her feet by the idea of being married to a rich gorgeous guy who is American royalty and the most eligible bachelor in the world! BUT, she retains feelings of lust or love for Michael. Ah, the classic triangle. Whether he said "yes" or "no", I don't believe in the end Carolyn had the strength to leave JFK Jr. She probably belonged with Michael because he made her feel needed and special.