Rating: Summary: Superb Book Focuses on the Film Review: This is quite a book. Taken from annuls of history, the focus of the book still is essentially on the film rather than Christ. Or better said, the book focuses on Christ the cinematic figure portrayed in the film. The photographic images in this book are powerful and moving. You should be prepared for the painful depictions from Christ's ordeal as portrayed in the film because they are not for the faint of heart if you are of that tendency. However, the images are indelible and they do remind us (or at least me) of the power of the cinema as an art form for conveying a story, emotion or an idea. This is a superb companion to the film or just as an example of historical filmmaking in general. If you truly like this film, this is a very well intentioned and worthy companion piece.
Rating: Summary: Bloody Good Book Review: I like books based on the making of films. This is a good one. The colour photographs are spectacular. They show the true passion of the Christ. This is a first rate publication. If you have not seen the film the photos in this book may be a little difficult view.
Rating: Summary: A marvelous gift for Resurrection Sunday! Review: This book is a wonderful reminder and gift for those who love and appreciate the tremendous sacrificial death of their Lord Jesus Christ. This high-quality picture book complete with Scripture is breath-taking. Go beyond the bunnies this season and remember those you love with a reminder of why this truly is a season to celebrate!
Rating: Summary: Fine coffee table book - encourages questions from guests! Review: I certainly agree with the point recently made that we need look no further than the Bible for information about our Savior and Lord. However, this book is a very timely addition to a coffee table. It goes something like this (*G*uest/*H*ost - both gym partners):H: Do come in... G: Hey! Nice book! Did you see the film? H: Yes. Enjoyed it. How about yourself? G: Saw it just recently. Hadn't thought much about the topic prior to seeing it. H: Well, it is an important topic. G: How so? H: Well, it actually happened. And the message of Jesus is applicable to all people, even in this modern era which seems to gloss over this sort of thing. G: Hmmm.... H: Have a loan of this photobook, and when we next meet for a workout I'll lend you the real thing, the Bible, and you would do well to check out the Gospel of Mark. G: Thanks for the loan! I'll check it out! If only it was so easy. But I think Mr Gibson has done an excellent job with his film. And this book is a fine reminder of its imagery.
Rating: Summary: Another poor horror movie. Review: Personally, I do not like to put any labels of been good or bad on those items that pretend to appear in the category that named art. Not because I do not have the opinion, but because it is art and all forms of it merit some the attention to enrich our vision and insight more beauty in the life. But I will intentionally put the label on the movie "Passion of the Christ" because this pretended to be an art gimmick gained so much undeserved attention that became kind of social motion. The first thing that I would suspect after seen this action, it is a grave mental illness of its creator along with deep sorry for those susceptible but naive people who takes this cheapo horror movie not only as an event of cinematography but as some kind of historical retrospective of the past. If one would ask me to characterize it in one word, the appropriate word for it will be disgusting. It is unfortunate to see that the whole story of religious incitement for Gibson boils down to gruesome bloody cheapo actions. In fact all of it is pure speculation. It is speculation of undereducated and ill minded ignorant, who invents his ideas on going but represents them as an kind of philosophical true because he infinitely believe in his inherent ability to overspeak anyone. I even would not go down to analyze, less then laughable actors "work". The angel like "faces" of good guys and ugly mugs of "bad" guys. It is just another horror movie but very well promoted and works not on some story stat you have to adopt , but on very familiar subject. Well, in fact, if you do not like horror movies, gained some education and your taste goes beyond MacDonald, this entertainment would be pure [bad], boring and disgusting.
Rating: Summary: The passion... Review: I was slightly worried about buying this book. I mean, it seemed to only feature Christ being beat. Who wants to look at that all day? I went for it though since Amazon was the only place around selling it for so cheap. I was rather pleased with the book. I liked how things were explained with more depth and some of the pictures I liked in the film they used in the book. Mel Gibson did a wonderful job on the movie and the book as well.
Rating: Summary: Never forget the Passion Review: In the foreword, Mel Gibson, describes "aletheia" a Greek word meaning "unforgetting". The book provides a means for us all to "unforget" the passion our Lord endured. Although I am unlikely to erase the images from the movie, I hold in my heart the true meaning of the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf. This book enables me to have that "reminder" on a daily basis.
Rating: Summary: Beautifully Done - A Wonderful Keepsake Review: This book is truly the most beautifully done depiction of the Passion movie. Anyone who has seen the movie and wants to recall a memorable scene, needs to buy this book. I find myself picking it up just to remember.....it's also a wonderful way to prepare your mind before you pray. Mel Gibson has given us the gift of a spiritually awakening movie - this book will help your heart to keep it close.
Rating: Summary: I Do Not See The Point Of The Book Review: I just cannot see buying this book that shows so much blood and human misery. I looked at it carefully in the bookstore but I left it there. I have a copy of the bible, and I have read the bible cover to cover, and I understand most of what is in the bible but these pictures of an actor covered with blood do not add to my understanding and the message. I am sorry but that is my view. Jack in Toronto
Rating: Summary: Captures the Essence of Christ's Passion Review: The movie has been criticized as being too violent. Actually, upon seeing the film, I have to conclude that the actual problem is the fact that all previous films and plays about the Passion have been much too sanitized and nonviolent. Of course, the violence, apart from being historically accurate, is a reflection of the brutalities of the ancient world in general and the ancient Roman Empire in particular. Those liberals who complain about conservatives selectively condemning televised violence are just being silly. There is a world of difference between the careful depiction of violence in movies and the gratuitous violence that pervades modern movies and TV. Conservatives have never objected to the former, only the latter. Those who complain about the discrepancies in the Gospels are being equally silly. Apart from the fact that these discrepances are to be expected between independent eyewitness accounts, they are minor and easily reconciled with each other (much as variant newspaper accounts of the same event in no way negate the factuality of the event). The violence makes it easy to understand elements of the Passion. For instance, the abject brutality of the scourging makes it easy to understand why many of those flagellated died on the spot. It is amazing that our Lord did not die much sooner. Then again, God the Father needed His Son to live long enough to complete His atoning Sacrifice for our sake. Far from being anti-Semitic or otherwise portraying Jews in a unilaterally negative light, it includes portrayal of Jews as the victims of the Roman conquerors. This is shown by the derogatory remarks towards Jews by Pilate (e. g., This stinking province!...This rabble!...), as well as the Roman soldiers (e. g., An impossible people!...Help Him carry the cross--you Jew!). I disagree with those who say that the movie didn't pay attention to His teachings. Apart from the fact that the movie was about His Passion, and not primarily about His entire life and teachings, it does include substantial references to the latter. These include flashbacks to the time of Jesus as a Boy, Jesus following the trade of His father Joseph as a carpenter, the forgiveness of the adulteress, the command to love one's enemies, the command to love one another as He had loved them, Peter's promise never to betray Him, etc. Because He died to take away my sins, the film enabled me to see myself as His tormentor. It was I who was spitting on Him, scourging Him so savagely, making Him carry the Cross, and then nailing Him to it. The film concludes with a good visual portrayal of His Resurrection. The grave clothes stay wrapped together while His resurrected Body passes right through them, and His Body still contains the nail marks of His Passion. A superb film! The only question is why a film of this quality had not been produced much sooner.