Do you need a cookbook filled with exciting ideas for meals that are "virtually fat-free"? Christine McFadden presents more than 70 delectable recipes for those interested in learning how to be more health-conscious while cooking gourmet meals. The recipes are designed to show cooks how to limit fat while enhancing the flavor of foods in other creative ways. For example, McFadden explains that cooks can marinate foods in wine, soy sauce, or fruit juice instead of oil--tenderizing without adding fat. She also suggests many techniques for fat-free cooking that can be applied to any dish, such as roasting fish or poultry with wine and fresh herbs in either foil, parchment paper, or sealed roasting bags--you'll get moist and delicious results.McFadden's recipes provide healthy inspiration for cooks at breakfast, lunch, and dinner and include all the major food groups. Start your day with Buttermilk Pancakes, feast on Lemon and Mint Turkey Burgers for a midday meal, and at dinnertime try Halibut Steaks Provençal. And don't forget to satisfy your "dessert stomach" with a treat like Strawberry Chocolate Flan. -- Lori Forest