You might think sinfully rich (or fat-laden) when you hear recipes with names like The Creamiest Cheesecake in the World, Wild Mushroom Ragout, Aioli, Broccoli Bisque, Stuffed French Toast, and Blueberry Buttermilk Scones, but all of these (and many more) have been created with soyfoods which are naturally low in fat. Author Dana Jacobi has masterfully married natural ingredients and soy foods to create lusty, rich dishes in The Natural Kitchen: Soy. Most of the 75 recipes include ideas for variations, which actually doubles the number of options as well as inspiring a bit of creativity in the kitchen. For example, Jacobi suggests using the filling for Sicilian Stuffed Squash to stuff grape leaves, or give tomato-braised tofu a Tex-Mex kick by adding serrano chili and diced tomato. The Natural Kitchen: Soy serves as an all-around soy cookbook, with variety of preparation times and styles. The Chocolate Silk Pie calls for only three ingredients (plus the piecrust) but the tofu "scallops" Ritz Carlton required a number of steps and would be better suited for a special occasion. Adding soy to the diet has been proven to lower heart cholesterol and to help prevent heart disease. With The Natural Kitchen: Soy, you will be creating meat- and mostly dairy-free dishes that break new ground in the definition of good food using soy products such as tofu, tempeh, soymilk, soybeans, miso, and TVP flakes. In additional to the recipes, Jacobi has included an informative section, "All About Soy Foods," as well as listing mail order sources. --Gretel Hakanson