If you find yourself in daily dread of how to fix those vegetables that Mom always told you to eat, your lifeline is here. Unique and tempting recipes are abundant in Jack Bishop's Vegetables Every Day. Throughout the book's 66 chapters--one for each vegetable he includes in the book--Bishop features the retail availability of the specific veggie, the best season to find the most flavorful choice, and which characteristics to look for in a good specimen. He also includes recommendations for best preparation and which spices and herbs will best support and enhance the flavor of the vegetable of choice. The recipes range from the basic to the complex, from simple steamed broccoli to rich soups such as Corn Chowder with Leeks and Potatoes. Even traditional recipes get an update, such as sautéed mushrooms cooked with butter, onions, and garlic. In just two simple steps, Bishop's interpretation has the mushrooms taking on an exquisite flavor that can stand alone as a side dish or as a topping for a rich steak. There may be some vegetables that are much less well known and even more difficult to find at the corner grocery store, such as malanga, Jerusalem artichokes, or salsify, but if you're interested, his suggestions might just help you find and tastefully enjoy them. Vegetables Every Day is the solution to satisfying the recommended five servings of vegetables a day. --Teresa Simanton