Rating:  Summary: How come noone understands the TRUE purpose of the ranch? Review: You notice how the IMan never gives you numbers, never tells you how many "sick kids" pass through his wondrous retirement estate. If he did people would want to tar and feather him for promoting it so heavily when it only handles a few kids each year. If school was an issue he'd have kids out for the entire summer, not 9 days at a time. Of course it's great that he brings kids out to the ranch, of course it's great that he's helping sick kids. But someone's post earlier about the classic limo liberal is right. And I'm a democrat. This guy is so out of touch with reality he has no idea. He just shuttles around to places and does his tired schtick. It's terrible that his is the only place in the morning you can hear movers and shakers discuss real issues. You've got Joe Biden discussing something major and he butts in with something about Joe Tacopina or that moron Bo Dietl. As a cook book, this thing is laughable. When relentlessly plugging this junk he acts like the recipes are new and insightful and will dazzle your pallate. They are not. Anyone who thinks these recipes are great, or even good has no idea what cooking or eating is about. A Self congratulatory tone permeates the book, and that's why people are on here killing Imus and Diedre. True charity is done out of the goodness of your heart because you want to, not to promote yourself. The bottom line is that if you purchase this book, you will be financing Imus' retirement estate. When he's living there full time lets see how many "knotheads" he brings out there to live. He'll have his personal security detail sweep them away like so much chaff. I guarantee you if some sick kids just showed up there unannounced he wouldn't be so receptive.
Rating:  Summary: get over it Review: this book is for thinking/caring people, not bashers. i find this cause to be so worthwhile, regardless of who established the ranch and maintains it: anyone who has ripped into the author and her husband, need to first walk a mile in the shoes of the children they help, and then decide whether the bashing has merit. this book has the ability to touch a chord in people for to reach out and help, in any way they can. if not this cause, then another. there is a great need to help, to get involved and to get over the minor (and trash/bashning is minor compaired to what anyone with cancer copes with on a daily basis) association with don imus. for me, the book illuminated what i've long thought of the man; that he is a soft shelled crab - tough on the outside, soft on the inside. anyone who steps outside themselves long enough to have a dream that helps others, let alone see it realized, has merit. mrs. imus has done a wonderful job raising the need to help, and the book reflects that effort. it is wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Intro to the Vegan Life! Review: This book has introduced me to a whole new world, Healthy Vegetarian Cooking! Not only are these recipes very delicious, they are of the highest nutrition. Also, Don and Deidre don't do their charity work just for themselves. To previous people complaining, what charitable work have you CONSISTANTLY done lately?
Rating:  Summary: A BEAUTIFUL BOOK Review: This is a beautiful book with a beautiful purpose. If the Imus ranch only helps ten kids a year, I bet it is more than you whining review writers help. Judge the book by the cover and the inside not your own self centered opinions of Don Imus. And some of you have some very RUDE remarks about Diedre that you should be ashamed of. I love the book, the recipes, but most of all, the whole idea of helping kids. Grow up, you people!
Rating:  Summary: Don and Deirdre Imus are wonderful people! Review: I cannot believe some of the people's negative reviews and comments about the Imuses. I have listened to Don Imus for the last six years. Mr. and Mrs. Imus created the ranch to help kids with cancer to escape their own personal problems. The ranch is not a resort but a working cattle ranch to help kids who have suffered. The book is dedicated to Deavin, a boy who died of cancer. While I believe the Imuses who spend millions of their own dollars to create this wonderful haven and utopia in New Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Imus don't have to do this. They want to do it to make the world a better place. They could have created this ranch for themselves but they chose to share it with others. I don't see other celebrities with much more millions of dollars making any attempt to better the world. THe fact that the Imuses have created this ranch for kids with cancer and siblings of SIDS victims is a wonderful contribution to the world. Now, if you can get some of those HOllywood celebrities to do something like this rather than spending millions of their dollars wasted on their vanities.
Rating:  Summary: Rating the BOOK not the Man Review: I read about the book in Oprah's May 2004 issue of her magazine and thought interesting! So I bought it. I never gave Imus much thought EVER..based on merit alone..it's a great little book..part philosophy of helping others, part ecology, part cookbook. Recomended!! P.S. I've never read so many other reader reviews with an ax to grind about the author's husband (?) not the book.
Rating:  Summary: The Imus Ranch...Vacation home for a wannabe cowboy Review: Is there a more self-promoting couple anywhere in the world than Don and "DeeDee" Imus? Do they really think the good work they do for a FEW kids each year justifies the millions spent by others to provide Don, Deirdre and their rude, spoiled brat with their own family resort? They expect everyone else to pay for their fun, and Don scolds his audience when we don't contribute to his private Neverland ranch. How much does Fred Imus earn from these donations? How stupid do you think we are, I-man? And yes, we DO "get it." I applaud the experiences you provide A FEW kids each year, but don't expect us to swallow your baloney about this entire project being "just for the poor kids." It is a lavish, gorgeous resort for you, your child bride, your brother, and your obnoxious brat.
Rating:  Summary: The Imus Ranch : Cooking for Kids and Cowboys Review: This is way more then a Cook Book. Deirdre Imus has filled it with wonderful surpries on every page. Essays and letters by the kids, and warm rich photographics.
Rating:  Summary: Expensive Toilet Paper Review: This piece of crap might be worth it, if I was in the woods and nature called. The whining, ignorant hillbilly and his gold digging wife just use the ranch and the kids as cover. They think that housing and feeding a few kids, for a couple of weeks, with other people money, will absolve them of their arrogant, greedy, lavish life style. Think again IMUS.
Rating:  Summary: What a (...) Review: I'm skeptical as to whether the unpleasant looking, bleached blonde, gold digging, lap dancer of an "author" can even read. If you are unwise enough to buy this self-serving waste of pulp, you'll see that she can't write either - or even ensure a decent ghost writing job. And as to certain proceeds of the book, I mean, wow, I'm really moved that the author's profits go to support a luxury vacation house for the bimbo and her family. Maybe I am missing something, but wouldn't the money be better spent on getting more cancer surviving kids out on the "working cattle ranch" than ensuring that each child sleeps on the most luxurious of beds in chinch filled rooms. Please don't waste your money on this book. Do something good for children with cancer and send a check for the same amount - or more - to the American Cancer Society.