Rating:  Summary: The Recipes Do Not Work! Review: The recipes in this book do not work. There are much better cookbooks out there. If you actually want to make the recipes, buy a cookbook written by someone who has actually tried and made all the recipes in a book. Cookbooks should be written by cooks and not by celebrity wives hawking their transparent causes. This book will disappoint you.
Rating:  Summary: A beautifully put-together book for a great cause Review: There are many wealthy people in the world who contribute nothing to making it a better place. I admire Don and Deirdre for giving of themselves to help the children who visit the ranch.This book contains gorgeous photos and some of the best recipes ever concocted. Don Imus said on his show that all proceeds go toward the ranch---this is a wonderful way to give to this charity and also acquire a beautiful coffee-table or kitchen book to be treasured for years to come. I highly recommend the book and have bought two copies: one for myself, the other for my mother.
Rating:  Summary: I fell asleep reading this book! Review: Yesterday, after listening to Don Imus spew forth and foam at the mouth about this book, I bit the bait, fell for the line, and I bought this book. Today, I fell asleep reading this boring book! Tomorrow, I am going to return this book and get my money back. A lot of the recipe titles do not make sense. Who is this Butch? Why do his pancakes appear in this book? Was he fired along with the rest of the 200 people Deirdre smears in the book? Is this why there is no definition preceding the pancake recipe as to who he is? There are so many recipes like this! This book lacks personality. Also, there is a scarecity of protein dishes in this book. No wonder Don is always sick and pasty looking. Where did Mrs. Imus find these recipes? What will happen to this ranch after Don Imus retires?
Rating:  Summary: I am sure these recipes were stolen. Review: I have no doubt these recipes were stolen. The man who installed the hidden surveillance cameras for all of the houses and buildings on the ranch is a very good friend of my husband. Deirdre Imus told him she wanted the cameras positioned in all the buildings so that they could see if any of the kids ever needed anything on the ranch. Our friend knew she had all the cameras positioned in order to spy and keep track of what all her servants were up to at any given time. One of the visiting nurses did not want to be spied upon while she dressed in the mornings, so she put a piece of gum up on the lens of the camera in her bunkhouse. That afternoon that nurse was put on a plane to go home!!! Someone needs to write a book about what really goes on at the Imus Ranch. The public would be shocked. Don's own brother Fred left that Nut Ranch years ago and he swears he will never again set foot on the property. Deirdre slugged Fred's wife in the face, so Fred left!!! The brothers did not talk to each other for 7 months.
Rating:  Summary: lies lies and more lies Review: I have been keeping up with the reviews on a daily basis because it is very sad to see the Imus's take credit for the book. I finally got a copy of the book and was able to read the lies that Dirdre put in there trying to pass it off like the idiodic humor of her husband. Yeah you Don!! I don't know of the other people that worked in the kitchen prior to Chef Ron but I do know that when they hooked up with him he was the best thing that had happened to that ranch. If he was so bad why did they give him a christmas bonus with a letter saying what a wonderful contribution he was to the ranch including a five hundred dollar bonus and a raise only to fire him a few days later because Deirdre could not stand the attention that Chef Ron got from parents, kids, and guests of the ranch. If he was so bad and his cooking was so terrible why would Jimmy Carters former cheif of staff(who visists the ranch frequently) write a letter to Chef Ron and thank him for the wonderful food. If he was so bad then why are his recipes in your book Deirdre?? The persons name who was mentioned on the Larry King show was the guy who helped Deirdre make alterations to Chef Ron's recipes like name changes and simple alterations like maybe a pinch more salt here and there. The proof is in the pudding because the restaurant that Chef Ron currently manages uses Chef Ron's menu which has several of the recipes that are in the book. What a fake and a liar you are Deirdre. Chef Ron is currently looking at the book and laughing because every salad dressing and pasta dish is srved at his restaurant!! How can you say they are your recipes Deirdre?? As far as you having to ask one of your people to resign that was because you had already fired Chef Ron and you expected the crew that was left behind to do their hours plus the neverending hours that Chef Ron did. If anyone would like to contact Chef Ron regarding these recipes please e-mail to Micheleron@oal.com
Rating:  Summary: An Imus Fan in Shock Review: I can not believe what happenend here. I do not know what happened with Chef Ron, but it does look like he was taken advantage of here. Mr. Imus, I don't know if you read these reviews or not, but if you do please know that you have lost a fan. I know, with you having 20,000,000 listeners, me changing the dial means nothing, but I am just one more person who will no longer listen or buy your products. I realize that Deirdre is a pretty women, and the mother of your child, but you have to do something here. Fred is never on your show any longer? Why? Is it because of what Deirdre did to his wife? Come on Mr Imus, are you really going to let Deirdre destroy your relationship with your brother? Fred is more than just the guy who lost a grapefruit for a week or so, he is your brother. Good God I hope you are not using these kids to make money for you and Deirdre. I hope it is not true that you the ranch is just a slick way of you getting a nice retirement ranch. I feel like such an idiot for believing in you and what I thought you were doing.
Rating:  Summary: Must be nice... Review: To get donations in the name of sick and dying kids in order to pay for nothing on a 900+ acre ranch. Too bad that the cancer kids that are lucky enough to go there for a few days only know of little bungalows and are not allowed into the mansion that was also used with donations. Hey, Don, must be nice living there and having everything tax free, huh? Scumbag.
Rating:  Summary: The Deirdre Helmsley Palace aka Imus Ranch Acreage Fact. Review: The Imus Ranch consists of 892 acres. This can be verified by calling the San Miguel County Land Assessor Office in New Mexico. The talk show hyped up number Don Imus uses when bragging about his retirement home is 4,000. BIG DIFFERENCE. If someone is so bold and so calloused as to lie about the actual acreage on recorded public record, then why dont you think these same thieves are capable of stealing recipes. The kitchen staff on the ranch are hired sub-contractors who pay their own taxes, so that the Imus Ranch doesnt have to pay any of their state or federal taxes. Because these people technically DO NOT work for the Imuses any and all of their intellectual property brought to work belongs to them. YES!!! This also includes recipes.
Rating:  Summary: disgraceful riff-raff of jealousy Review: My feelings about the reviews that I read are: a) people must be SOOO jealous that Deidre has compiled a book that will benefit many vegetarians and youngsters who would like to learn how to cook! b)I don't think that anyone needs to hear back stabbing gossip about Imus' wife and family. Frankly, I have little interest in their personal life. Everyone knows that Imus is an old grouch and who cares? I bought a piece of the pie at the "ranch" in honour of my mother and I am proud to have done so. The work they have done at that ranch is awesome and I wish I had a place like that to go to when I was battling cancer as a young person. So PHOOEY on those put the blackhole on the Imus' for their work. There are others who do similar work and similar fund raisers, so why pick on the Imus family. I wish them all luck in the world for their work on this book. One more thing in passing, since Imus family works hard to benefit those children, how come the kids love to go there? And, how come they can't wait to get back? That person that complained and whinned about the amount of days the kids spend at the ranch, ought to go out there to run the ranch and find out just how much work goes into having a 4,000 acre run smoothly!! As for the chef on the ranch, I am sure it was his decision to give his recipes for the book. Is that not his privilege? Hey, his recipes are in a book that will be on the best seller's list in the near future. Deirdre, you want my recipes? Give me a call, anytime! I have researched vegetarian cooks books in the past and what I found is that the good ones are far and few between. I would try any of the recipes that are in this great book.
Rating:  Summary: It seems as though the truth has surfaced Review: I have read the numerous reviews and boy does the Imus Ranch sound like a crazy place. Sometimes people tend to get carried away with their emotions but it seems as though these reviews are comming from people with first hand experience. Their personal lives (Imus) are not so much my concern but the fact that she is taking credit for the recipes is sad. I am sure that the staff worked very hard for these demanding people. Maybe something good will become of this for Chef Ron and his staff. The word is that when the Imus hacienda was built, again Deirdre took all the credit. Well the woman that did design the house sued thembut I am not to sure what the outcome was. So you see this is not the first time that Deirdre has taken someone elses credit.