Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book, Deirdre! Review: Deirdre Imus' book works at every level - a beautful story that captures in words and pictures the challenges these kids face and the miracles that happen at Imus Ranch, a coffee table book of Imus Ranch and the Southwest that is gorgeous in its own right, and finally scrumptious recipes for those who are trying to eat healthy and live longer. The heart and soul of this book are the kids with cancer and other terrible diseases who frequent Imus Ranch. For those of us who have had cancer and/or the privilege of working with kids with cancer, we know that there is a very, very thin line between feeling hopeful and feeling hopeless. Far too often, cancer patients - sick of being sick - throw in the towel prematurely, even when they have some prospect for being cured. This touching book and story - reflecting their experiences at Imus Ranch - gives them the courage to keep on keeping on, reflecting both their challenge and the hope of Imus Ranch. Having carried a group of kids from Georgia with cancer to Imus Ranch in 2002, I can attest to this being a life-changing experience for many of these kids. It is also a beautiful book with spectacular photography and engaging narrative that shares their stories and experiences at Imus Ranch, and an extra bonus to know that 100% of the proceeds goes to Imus Ranch and supporting its ongoing important work.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book Great Cause Review: Don't listen to these clowns who hit Imus for pushing this book and the ranch, they probably have never gotten off their own butts to do one tenth the amount of work that Mr. Imus does with his own money and not for profit. He doesn't sit back and throw money at a problem like most celebs, he is there working, giving his time and sweat. As my headline says, great book, great cause.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book!! Review: I love this book and I love Don Imus. The recipes in this book are fabulous and the photos are really great. A great book by Mrs. Imus. Hey Don if You read this review keep Chuck, Sid, Bernie and the other little fellow around, You guys make a great great team. Chuck McCord is the greatest and 100% proffesional. When is Your book coming out Chuck?
Rating:  Summary: Quit while your ahead Review: Really John, Four Courners was a nice touch from the heart; but stop pushing your wifes causes out there, if she can't make it on her own, so be it. Stop pushing the ranch,(your later years settlement).; Your on your last day's(year's), so lay back and save the buck, not jerk your audiance. I stopped watching the TV showing when you started going out to the ranch in June and returning in Sept., with weeks off and, after one or two weeks on air you were off again So I switched my tv turn-on/alarm to the mystery station. Ciao
Rating:  Summary: Deirdre Imus - A Smart Cookie with a Healthy Outlook Review: My cowboy hat is tipped off to these wonderful people and the work they're doing. Whereas Imus may be rough and abrasive, Deirdre emerges as charming and soothing. Their chemistry together is a successful recipe in and of itself. As far as the content of this book goes I'm glad to see another vegan publishing effort getting some widespread publicity. Quite frankly I think our modern society has appalling eating habits and the sad fact of the matter is that most of our eating tendencies are borne out of ignorance. We're in thrall to the supermarket and fast-food industries and unfortunately have come to accept such toxic additives as hydrogenated oils in our daily fare without question. To the previous poster who complained that these recipes were akin to serving up dry manure, while you certainly may prefer the taste of hamburger to Deirdre's fare at least think about all the chemicals your kids may be ingesting in the decades to come before passing your own preferences on down to them.
Rating:  Summary: imus ranch...as good as it sounds Review: for once, a cookbook and lifstyle book that doesn't cram its philosophy down your throat. A great program that changes the lives of hundreds of kids. deirdre imus did a beautiful job and giving 100% of the money to the ranch...a public foundation, should serve as a guide for other people who tell us they are donating a "portion"of the proceeds from their books. I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Love him or hate him, what a great book & cause! Review: Well, I unabashedly admit that I'm a fan of Imus and thoroughly enjoy his morning show; it is addictive as is his eccentric humor. And, although Don is controversial and scathing at times, his quest and cause at the Imus Ranch is impressive and authentic. Moreover and perhaps most importanly, Don is quick to remind us that 100% of the proceeds of his products (and this book) go to the Imus Ranch (for those unfamiliar, the Imus Ranch hosts pediatric cancer patients, those with blood-borne diseases, and young family members of those patients). The Ranch is a working cattle ranch, similar to Don's childhood roots, devoted entirely to these kids and allowing them to have this unusual and exhilarating experience. The Imus Ranch is the backdrop and inspiration for Deidre's (Don's wife) new book, THE IMUS RANCH: COOKING FOR KIDS AND COWBOYS. The book is impeccably adorned with outstanding photographs, stories, and letters from those kids who have attended a session at the Ranch. The book includes over 100 recipes afforded those participants while staying at the Ranch and, although it is vegetarian fare, most recipes provide dairy and meat substitute options. As a result, this book will appeal to a wide audience. And, if you're not buying it for any other reason than to read about the Ranch, its roots, and its purpose, you'll have gone a long way to help the kids continue to fight the good fight. As an aside, on his radio/TV show, Don has humorously ranted on one particular picture in the book. The picture reflects the rusticly-adorned living area of the main house including a chess board in the foreground. The first thing Don noted was that the Queen was on the wrong square! Although he made the necessary changes and requested the picture be retaken, he has capitalized on the mistake by declaring that anyone fortunate enough to have purchased one of those books with the Queen in the incorrect position will have a collectors item. A great book, a great cause. Buy it and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Don't Waste Your Money Review: The recipes are gross -- I wouldn't feed this slop to my pigs. We have only a short time on this earth, and unless you want to eat like an aardvark, you should order another book with recipes that don't taste like stir-fried chicken manure. Don't let the glossy photos and bound copy fool you -- it's a rather shallow book with many trite little stories. You'll find that the Imus self-promotion machine is rather crude. If you're going to donate to charity, do it anonymously and then shut up instead of tooting your own horn all the time.
Rating:  Summary: Intelligent Vegan-ism! Review: As many of the potential buyers of this book, I learned of it through the Imus In The Morning program. Let me begin by saying - as is the case with all Imus Ranch products - the quality of this book is phenomenal. If you haven't tried Imus Ranch salsa, tortilla chips, coffee, or the new salad dressings, you are really missing out on high-quality food products. Combine this with the fact that 100% of the proceeds go to such a worthwhile cause is a great side benefit - but the products speak for themselves. I bought the first copy received at the Barnes and Noble in Westport, Connecticut and the first thing you notice is the quality of the book itself. High quality pictures, sturdy paper weight and a great cover. Inside, you will find a lot of information about the Ranch, the kids and the thoughts behind the advocated diet/lifestyle. Personally, I was brought into the vegan world through Dr. McDougall's products. I always feel the need to preface this by saying that I am a conservative Republican who finds the entire animal rights/environmental movement dangerously stupid and uninformed. I have a real problem saying that I am a vegan as it implies an image of a tree-hugging, tie-dye wearing wacko, but thankfully, there are some vegans who choose this lifestyle for HEALTH reasons. Since becoming a vegan, I can say, categorically, that my health and sense of wellness has increased dramtically. Do Atkins for awhile and see for yourself. Back to the book, the recipes are simple, tasty and well-balanced. The recipe for chili is outstanding and I like the fact that eggs are included in this diet as I tend to agree that the vitamin content of organic eggs is hard to beat. The rational presented in the book is balanced and the recipes allow for the substitution of meat and dairy as desired. But, try this lifestyle and see for yourself the benefits. Thank you Imus for providing such a wonderful book and for your work on such an imporatnat cause.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful, beautiful book!! Review: I have been hearing Imus talk about this book for weeks on his morning show. As I am an oncology nurse, I am partial to anything that benefits the cancer population. I preordered this book from Amazon, and received it last week. It surpassed my expectations!! It is gorgeous! You can put it on your kitchen counter as well as your coffee table. The pictures are awesome sights, the recipes are great - and they fit many of the diets out there now. I especially love the "educate yourself" sections, and the complete ingredient/pantry list, as sometimes you just don't know where to find certain ingredients. I hope this book sells millions - not only will you be eating great food, you'll be helping a great cause! Hope there's another one to follow.