The QuarkXPress Book for Macintosh has been a fixture of Quarkdom since it first came out after the release of QuarkXPress 3.0. The Windows version followed, and this second edition covers both QuarkXPress 3.1 and 3.3 for Windows. The guide appeared after the release of QuarkXPress 3.3 for Windows, so it doesn't cover Windows 95 at all; it's firmly embedded in the Windows 3.1 world. That aside, the book is still the only title on the market that focuses solely on Windows and covers the robust QuarkXPress 3.3 release. The book assumes some knowledge--you should have spent at least a few days or weeks with QuarkXPress and several months with a PC. The writing style is straightforward, presenting QuarkXPress as a set of major concepts, such as printing, type, and typography. Discussions in each chapter center around a particular task. For instance, the book approaches style sheets by first introducing the user to the concept and building a framework to demonstrate the use of style sheets before explaining the creation and other technical, menu, and dialog box-oriented issues. Both beginners and somewhat experienced users can garner a lot from The QuarkXPress Book for Windows; it's rich enough to periodically return to once you've gained more experience with the program.