A comprehensive guide written especially for AOL users, Wired in a Week starts off with the basics. Each chapter covers a handful of information that can be easily absorbed by novices in a single day. In fact, the first day covers skills like plugging in your modem, using a mouse, and setting up your first account. Most folks won't lose out by skipping ahead to later chapters, and depending on your current skill level, you may be able to just skim the book for its useful points. Instant messaging, chat rooms, e-mail shorthand like LOL and IMHO, e-cards, and basic keyword searches are explained over two chapters, while an entire day is devoted to online shopping procedures. Days five and six revolve around tools like Mapquest and Digital City, which together will have you not only dining out at the best restaurants, but not getting lost on your way to dinner. The last chapter covers various ways to set up parental controls for everything from time limits to age ratings for particular sites, and also suggests methods of introducing your kids to the Web, if they haven't begun to explore it themselves. In general, Wired in a Week is designed to help brand new users (newbies, as they are called by the digerati) take advantage of all the tools AOL has built into its system. If you've been using AOL for a while, chances are you're already familiar with most of the skills presented here. With short chapters, simple directions, and plenty of diagrams and pictures to help out when words aren't enough, you'll find it easily possible to be "wired in an afternoon," rather than an entire week. --Jill Lightner