Oracle8i for Dummies provides an easily absorbable explanation of what you need to know about Oracle8i to use it effectively. The book includes accurate, easy-to-follow tutorials on Structured Query Language (SQL), the Enterprise Manager, system tables, and the data-dictionary views that derive from them. The coverage of Object SQL, though brief, is particularly praiseworthy, and there's a similarly fine but short introduction to SQLJ, the Java-based language that's slated to replace PL/SQL. As is the case with most Dummies books, you'll find that this one gets you off to a great start before leaving you hungry for more detailed coverage of advanced features. Once you get to that stage, look into Oracle8 Design Tips. You may also like SQL Fundamentals, particularly if you need to adapt your knowledge of Microsoft SQL for use in an Oracle environment. --David Wall Topics covered: New features of Oracle8i; creating and administering Oracle databases; creating tables, tablespaces, objects, and relationships among objects; and user administration and security data.