Independence War, from Particle Systems and Infogrames Entertainment, is one of the most complex and challenging computer games we've seen in long while. With the help of Prima's excellent guide to the game, however, you'll soon master your starship's controls and put a serious hurting on the rebellious Independent Fleet. Appropriately enough, the book starts out with an explanation of inertia and the intricate flight model used by the game. You'll also learn all about the Dreadnaught's various control stations (captain, pilot, gunner, engineer), as well as the remote-control feature and other useful bits of technology. The next chapter deals with maneuvers and combat tactics--there's a ton of good info here, so if you're having trouble with this game you'll want to devote some time to this chapter. The next section details the ships of the Commonwealth, Indie, and Black fleets and provides a wealth of data on the size, armaments, and capabilities of each vessel. Following that, the book launches into a series of mission walkthroughs. Every one of the game's 40 missions is covered, from the early training hops right on through the hard-core plot missions. At the end of the book, you'll find a section on cheat codes, along with some appendices full of weapon and ship statistics. Basically, this is your starship commander's field manual--don't leave the solar system without it! --Michael Ryan