The programmer with the cherubic face and perennially folded arms returns to escort the casual Access user into the realm of more serious database programming. Access allows several routes to this destination too: you can use the program's Wizards to prepare customized database applications from your Access objects, use SQL commands, use macros to automate certain maintenance tasks, or use Visual Basic for Applications, the programming language included with Access 97 and with Office 97 to prepare very full-featured database applications. After a friendly overview that helps you figure out which programming tools are best suited to which tasks, the book delves further into procedures, multi-table database applications, and other serious tasks such as advanced reporting. The book rounds it all out with a discussion of using the programming tools to communicate with other Office 97 applications (such as Word and Excel) and with a brief overview of using Access applications on the World Wide Web. This book is a good introduction to Access programming for the user who needs to move beyond basic use of the program and write applications that can solve more complex business problems.