The initial plunge into the world of the Web can be an intimidating step. In The Internet for Macs for Dummies, author Charles Seiter takes you through the process gently and with an occasional chuckle. The first four chapters explain exactly what the Internet is and how to connect your Mac to it. The author is careful to cover important topics such as modems. After this background information, three chapters cover Netscape and Microsoft Web-browser programs, as well as America Online. Once you're on the Web, the author shows you how to use e-mail and search for Web sites that meet your interest. This latter section includes a list of several special-interest sites and search engines. Since search engines vary, the book offers usage tips for the popular ones. Next comes a brief chapter that helps to demystify the language of Web pages and shows you how to make your own. A useful chapter illustrates how to use Microsoft Office applications to create Web pages. The book wraps up with a concise section of surfing tips and suggested Web sites. If you're a Mac user with an itch to get on the Net--but haven't a clue where to start--this title will get you there without a scratch. --Stephen Plain