The Palm series of personal digital assistants from 3Com has achieved remarkable popularity. Whether you're interested in using the extensive collection of Palm software that's available on the Internet or just want to organize your contact list in a compact, digital way, you'll appreciate the introduction Palm Computing for Dummies provides. This book brings the complete novice up to speed on the PalmOS, the standard applications, some popular add-in programs, and Palm-based communications technologies. Mostly, it focuses on standard PalmOS features that apply to all models, but the author does pay special attention to the Palm VII's wireless connectivity and the telephony interface that the PalmModem provides. Bill Dyszel knows his readers have questions, and he does a good job of answering many of them as explicitly as possible, often with sequential steps. He also includes plenty of screen shots and diagrams that show the stylus strokes you'll need to use in various situations. There's a CD-ROM full of Palm software too. While Palm Computing for Dummies provides good introductory coverage of the Palm computers, you may want to check out PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide for another take on the subject as well as a larger Palm software archive on CD-ROM. --David Wall