The Oracle Certified Professional DBA Certification Exam Guide was written by an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) for those aspiring to that coveted label. Jason S. Couchman has written a definitive guide to the Oracle certification process that cuts through esoteric database theory and presents the critical information for Oracle mastery in a clear and direct manner. The book is organized into five units, each corresponding to the four basic OCP examinations and the Oracle8 upgrade examination. Within each unit, there are several chapters that build your knowledge quickly and efficiently. Chapter summaries, chapter questions, and a wonderful "Two-Minute Drill" of key concepts of each chapter give this title real studying value. The book begins by discussing Oracle's structured query language (SQL) syntax and creating and managing Oracle databases. After this key discussion, the author presents the "big picture" of Oracle architecture and administration. This is followed by an exhaustive discussion of backup and recovery techniques and strategies. The fourth unit focuses on the essential topic of performance tuning, with logically divided chapters on memory, disk, and other performance subsystems. The book wraps up with a unit of preparation for the Oracle8 upgrade examination. This final unit takes you through state-of-the-art features, such as partitioning, object relational design, parallel data manipulation language (DML), security issues, and more. Whether you're endeavoring to become an OCP or simply looking for a definitive reference guide to Oracle, this hefty tome is worth its weight in critical knowledge. --Steven Plain