Microsoft Works used to be the runt of the Redmond litter. It comprised a group of second-rate applications whose main function was to appear on cut-rate personal computers as part of a software bundle installed by the computer maker. Works, now called Works Suite 2000, still appears on many fresh-from-the-factory machines, but it's now more like its big sister, Microsoft Office. Works Suite 2000 includes Microsoft Word, a standard word processing application, which means that you can learn how to use it without paying for Office. Microsoft Works Suite 2000 Step by Step shows you how to use Word and the other applications in Works Suite 2000, and it assumes you have very little prior computer knowledge. The book typically explains the purpose of a Works Suite feature in a brief paragraph, followed by how to make that feature do its stuff in a series of steps you can follow. There aren't as many screen shots as many Works Suite newcomers would probably like--it's comforting to see a picture that assures you that you're seeing the right thing on your screen--but the steps are clearly written. The book also does a great job of explaining how the Works Suite applications work together, as in the case of creating a form letter that draws names and addresses from a database file. --David Wall Topics covered: The applications in the Microsoft Works Suite 2000 package, including Word 2000; Encarta Encyclopedia 2000; Money 2000 Standard; Streets and Trips 2000; Home Publishing 2000; and the spreadsheet, database, and calendar components. Coverage sticks mainly to topics of home interest (such as balancing a checkbook), though there are explanations of some more advanced tasks (like generating form letters).