This solid product, encompassing Word Pro, 1-2-3, Approach, Freelance Graphics, some Web-publishing tools, and some collaboration utilities, is IBM's entry into the all-purpose office suite marketplace. But with all those programs, each with tons of features, getting started with SmartSuite can seem daunting. Sams Teach Yourself Lotus SmartSuite Millennium Edition in 24 Hours gets the SmartSuite user up to speed. Divided into 24 chapters, this book spends considerable time orienting the reader to the SmartSuite environment as a whole and then progressively explores more complicated aspects of SmartSuite, getting into the details of individual applications. As the most frequently used SmartSuite component, Word Pro receives more coverage than any other component. The author explains how to format text, insert graphics, and even create columns and insert graphics in Word Pro. Smaller sections deal with 1- 2-3, Approach, Freelance Graphics, and the other components. The only drawback is the cursory coverage of SmartSuite's online-publishing features, as these are some of the most exciting pieces of the suite. This isn't a comprehensive treatment of SmartSuite, and you'll probably want a more detailed book before long. But if you're getting started with SmartSuite, this book can ease your introduction. --David Wall