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Rating:  Summary: The proper way to manage a company Review: All major computing companies have a set of myths, legends and facts that collectively form a unique mystique, but that of Hewlitt-Packard(HP) is truly different from the rest. Some of the unusual aspects of that mystique came to the forefront when the merger between HP and Compaq was reaching the final stages. One of the children of a founder launched a lawsuit against the merger because, among other things, it would lead to large number of layoffs, and that was "not the HP way." Good corporate citizenship and care for the workers are fundamental principles laid down and practiced by Bill Hewlitt and David Packard as they grew from a garage to a multi-billion dollar company. This book is the story of that growth in the words of one of the founders. It is a tale of challenges, management strategies that were and still are unusual, corporate honesty (imagine that as a management strategy), opportunities seen and tenaciously pursued, occasional mistakes, but always remaining focused on success. The strategy of management by walking around is still one of the most successful tactics that can be used to manage people. Even a few minutes spent observing and conversing with an employee can show you more than any above the fray approach could possibly do and is an incredible morale booster for the entire staff. Over the years, I have heard many of the stories associated with HP, and after a time, began relegating some of them into the area of company "myth." However, after reading this book, I came away even more impressed with Bill Hewlitt and David Packard. Books on how to manage companies are far too numerous to mention and many are thick enough to be of use to a bodybuilder. Small enough to be lifted by a toddler, this book contains more practical knowledge about how to start and manage a company than the majority of the heavyweights.
Rating:  Summary: American Dream In Action Review: Bill Hewlett and David Packard created one of the worlds most admired companies in the world. Today Hewlett-Packard is also well known company in Russia. More than twelve years ago I wrote my first books on the HP Vectra PC/AT compatible machine.This book is a good overview. Its interesting to read how Hewlett Packard has grown from the little garage workshop (like Apple Computer was created a little later) to the large corporation it is today. This book is a simple, yet profound, guide to cultivating a healthy corporate culture. Extraordinary story.
Rating:  Summary: It's Very Simple: The HP Way Review: Considering that an electrial engineer like David Packard could have written a, boring, detailed account of how he and Bill Hewlett pieced together their very first piece of equipment in the now famous Pal Alto, California garage. This book surprises you with its simple down to earth account of how it all began and how they built this tiny garage shop into the multi billion dollar company that it is today. They did it not only with a strong belief in new and innovative products, but in the people that helped build the company. This simple belief built the foundation into the HP way of corporate greatness. The book was simply written, but it is this style that allowed me to understand the friendship between David Packard and Bill Hewlett and the corporate culture that they developed at HP. I would recommend this book to anyone that is a manager or executive to benchmark the corporate culture that HP established or applaud yourself if you have already embraced the HP Way. I trully believe, as David Packard and Bill Hewlett did, that you need a strong belief in people to make a company succeed.
Rating:  Summary: HP Way... how to build an innovating company! Review: Exciting and callenging... as I define Bill and David lives. A fantastic example of a process centered organization. Customer oriented, flexible, innovating and above all with a great confidence in its people, this is HP. This handbook could be very useful for who wants to build a company using the most innovating way and vision. No more words... enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: I really enjoyed this book. Learned a bit of how HP operates. Of course, HP is no longer the HP described in this book.
Rating:  Summary: Bill and Davids Excellent Adventure Review: If you thought that companies become admired by magic then think again - or better still, read the book. Bill Hewlett and David Packard created one of the worlds most admired companies and it has never stopped going from strength to strength, now with the likes of Carly Fiorina who has taken HP forward into the new millenium by going back to HPs roots. This book describes the start-up HP company and some of the aspects of its rapid growth and global expansion. There's not too much detail in this book but it does make for interesting reading - although the style is rather dry - for someone who holds up HP as a benchmark against which other companies can and should be measured. If you like me, like HP, then buy the book. Carly Fiorina has been quoted as saying "in this new world we must always remember that technology is only as valuable as the use to which it is put. In the end, technology is ultimately about people." - that, in a nutshell, is the HP Way. Regards, martyn_jones@iniciativas.com
Rating:  Summary: a good book after you get used to the painfully dry style. Review: They say engineers (myself included) are generally poor writers; then David Packard must be an absolute genius. David Packard's book (as has his company been one) is an important contribution and a must read for company executives. But it does require patience and dedication -- like the one he and Bill Hewlette had to endure to make HP a success! Once you get through the first 6 or 7 chapters the book becomes and absolute GEM. Until then -- and unfortunately you almost have to read the first few chapters -- the book is a positive cure for sleeplessness. HP's dedication to innovation, its financial frugality (which shows up in Dave Packard not hiring a good ghost writer or editor) and the importance of Management by Objectives, Decenterlized Organization, and Management by Walkign Around, Expected Returns on R&D are only some of the Gems hidden in this book; but you do have to mine to get to them and IMHO it is a worthwhile pain to go through. What also comes through is how HP slipped their biggest chance of dominating the chip and computer market by not taking the risk and cancelling the OMEGA project. Reading David Packard's fatalistic justifications is worth 10 times the price of the book. Also little credit is given to the inventor of the calculator that made HP a house hold name, and no mention is made of procurement of Appolo(until in Appendix 2)!!! Admittedly, I am at fault for having difficulty with this book. I read it after reading "Hard Drive, Bill Gatees and the Making of Microsoft Empire" by Jamve Wallace and Jim Erickson. These gentlemen are professional writers/journalists that know how to grab ones attention and keep it. Reading them before "The HP Way", which incidently and surprisingly was rated the best business book of 1996 by Amazon readers, is like watching the movie Titanic, and then going home to suffer through 6 hours of Mr. Rogers!!! But I do still recommend the book not to mention that I am more inclined to one day work for the comapny! Cheers, --- Esfandiar
Rating:  Summary: A Nice Synopsis But A Dose Of Personality Would Help Review: This book is a good overview. Its interesting to read how Hewlett Packard has grown from the little garage shop to the large conglomerate it is today. However, there are a few aspects that are clearly missing. First, it would be nice to see what motivated both Bill Hewlett and David Packard to pursue starting up Hewlett Packard and even providing more detail in why they chose an engineering path. David Packard knew he did not want to follow his father's lawyer career path but he does not say why. He does mention his like for conducting sicentific experiments but does not ellaborate on what caused such a curiosity. Als, why were Bill Hewlett's grades so questionable that it took hi father's teching record to get him into Stanford? Also, when David Packard talks about the many Hewlett Packard products he explains them in a manner where only someone familiar with Electronics Products would truly have a clear understanding of what he is talking about. And the writing style is overly to the point here with little in the way of pizzaz. The glossary helps a little bit but I should not have to find out at the end of the book, what I wanted to know at the beginning. Packard does overglorify his involvement in political affairs. He puts himself a little too high up on the pedestal with this and that Hewlett Packard was the innovator of the work/personal life balance that many other companies have today. None the less, the parts which Packard details the management style are explained in a good level of detail. Most readers will get the impression that David Packard was a fair boss who liked to insure that each of his employees was important. This is hammered home with an incident he had with a machinist. Also, the Management By Walking Around style is a detailed nicely through the example of corporate visits, departmental presentations, and company picnics. Generally, this is worth reading especially if you can pick it up at your local library. Its just too bad that there are some missing details and a lack of excitement in the writing style. But the end result basically meets its intentions.
Rating:  Summary: To begin from the beginning... Review: This book is a simple, yet profound, guide to cultivating a healthy corporate culture--the basis for a creative, profitable company. The beginning chapters may be confusing to some (the synopsis of Bill and Dave's early life stories). However, I found a subtle message: the importance and benefit of a work/life balance to one's well being. This component seems to be slowly draining away from corporate cultures, and I'm positive that the results will be disastrous. I'm hoping we don't get to that point. The work/life principle, along with others, forms an incredible methodology for leadership. Fans of Deming, Drucker, et al., will be thoroughly pleased. Anyone who might be depressed because they are criticized for conscientious management or treatment of fellow employees should read this book: they'll discover that their attitudes will prevail.
Rating:  Summary: Very good Review: Very good history of HP and what made its success in the early days. David Packard and Bill Hewlett have build a truly amazing organization basically from scratch; this book will outline the major steps that led to this success. A more recent edition with comments on current issues and technological challenges would be very valuable.
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