This detailed, up-to-date work provides an alphabetized reference of HTML tags (including new "HTML 4" tags and WebTV tags), JavaScript functions, VBScript functions, and browser objects. At first glance, it might seem odd to put this information into a single volume, but scripters working on Dynamic HTML pages will appreciate having it all in one place. The core of the book, over 700 pages, is the alphabetical reference. The listing covers tags supported by both the 3.0 versions and 4.0 versions of the Microsoft and Netscape browsers. (Version 4.0 compatibility information was based on late beta releases.) Convenient browser-compatibility icons for every entry give you instant information on which tags are supported by which browsers. Older and obsolescent tags are also discussed with advice on the best substitutions. For each tag, the layout makes it easy to see at a glance which tags it may contain, between which tags it can appear, and what attributes it takes. The layout also provides an example of each tag's correct syntax. The beginning of the volume devotes about 100 pages to a set of introductory essays covering HTML, WebTV, Dynamic HTML, cascading style sheets, VBScript, JavaScript, and JavaScript style sheets. Although they are no substitute for a full-blown tutorial, these sections are meatier than their size implies. The solid hardback binding, reasonably heavy paper, and clear typography make Web Authoring Desk Reference well suited to its role as a desk reference. All entries are rich in detailed information and a substantial index augments the alphabetical listing.