Oracle DBA Test 1 and Test 2 Exam Cram provides a concise study course in preparation for the first two tests in the Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) certification program. Author Michael Ault focuses intently on the crucial information you will need to know to pass these critical examinations on SQL, PL/SQL, and database administration. After an introductory overview of the OCP testing process, the architectural concepts of Oracle are presented, including various components of the Oracle Shared Global Area and the Data Dictionary. A basic understanding of Oracle is a good prerequisite for this review-oriented title. After the first chapters, the book moves into the SQL language, including discussions of Database Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), and a critical examination of ALTER and DROP--two commands that figure prominently into any database administrator's daily duties. The book then details PL/SQL--the Oracle dialect of SQL that adds programming structure and power to the query language. User management, utilities, and database design concepts are covered in succeeding chapters. A final chapter on administration covers more advanced profile and resource issues. Each chapter includes an exam prep quiz, and icons mark tips and common trick questions. Oracle DBA Test 1 and Test 2 Exam Cram packs the key concepts of an enormous amount of information into a short, clearly organized package. With some foundational knowledge in Oracle as a starter, this title will get you ready for your first two certification exams. --Stephen Plain