One of those e-mail jokes that are perpetually making the rounds describes a car built to the standards of Microsoft Windows. Normal behavior for this car involves it having to be pulled over, stopped, and immediately restarted. Not very reliable, frankly. But if there's justice in the world, this joke will fade away with the advent of Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows. This book explains in easy-to-understand terms that there is a lot more to Windows problem-solving than blind rebooting. It uses the same flow chart structure typical of this series as a diagnostic aid and explains how to solve the problem with illustrated procedures. The flow charts are, in one sense, just tables of contents arranged in an unusual but effective layout. In a typical example, Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows cheerfully diagnoses video problems. By following the branches of the video diagnostic tree, you can select the right solution from among two sidebar-size "Quick Fixes" and four more elaborate how-to spreads of a page or two each. The long spreads are fairly detailed procedures (in the "choose this, click that" style), supplemented by text that provides advice on unusual circumstances and alternative settings. A traditional table of contents up front provides easy reference to solutions for 20 common problems. --David Wall Topics covered: Novice and intermediate-level problem-solving for Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me. Modem connectivity, file management, hardware, networking, multimedia, and other everyday troubles are covered.