Would you ever write a complex graphics application in Visual Basic (VB)? Author Rod Stephens presents a convincing demonstration that Visual Basic 5.0 can handle just about any complex graphics task, including bitmap processing, complex scan conversions, fractal image generation, 3-D vector graphics, and even ray tracing. You'll need to understand VB basics before picking up Visual Basic Graphics Programming, but the book's clear writing style and measured pace will help you master these relatively arcane subjects and add powerful graphics features to your programs. The book begins with a quick brush-up on standard Visual Basic graphics features such as coordinate systems, graphics objects, and calls to Windows graphics application programming interfaces (APIs), but quickly moves on to a broad spectrum of bitmap- and vector-oriented topics. The world may not need another Photoshop or AutoCAD written in VB, but if any aspect of your program could benefit from the addition of complex graphics--possibilities include anything from an enhanced interface to data visualization--this book can show you how it's done. Visual Basic Graphics Programming also serves as a fine introduction to many classic graphics techniques that are more traditionally presented in C. The bundled CD includes all code examples from the book as well as a large library of useful graphics functions and procedures.