The authors of Using Unix break the universe of Unix tasks into manageable chapters, presenting coherent instructions that will help you accomplish a great deal with System V and Solaris. For example, if you want to compare the contents of files without opening them and examining them manually, you can find information in chapter 10, "Comparing Files by Date, Size, or Contents." Look among the headings in the chapter and you'll find a section on "Comparing Text Files," which documents sdiff, diff3, and com--three commands that compare files in different ways. Each command appears with its syntax and an example of what it does. Using Unix covers most every user-level Unix command, including those that pertain to file management, information backup, remote login, the most popular text editors, and more. The tail end of the book has to do with programming. The authors cover Bourne shell programming, as well as awk and Perl. As you might expect, the coverage of the various languages is not comprehensive, but it is sufficient to enable you to write simple programs. A command reference and an unusually verbose glossary conclude this book. --David Wall