If you need a highly regimented approach to learning new software and you're trying to make your way through the maze that is Adobe Illustrator, this Sams Teach Yourself guide can help. In 24 hours, you learn about the essence of working with vector-based images and become proficient enough to create attractive illustrations of your own. Each chapter, or hour, concludes with a summary, a quiz, exercises, and a review of terms, so you can assess what you've learned. Author Mordy Golding first teaches you how to set up and customize documents, draw basic objects, and work with selections, layers, Bézier paths, paintbrush tools, colors, fills, strokes, and compound paths and masks. Next, you work with transformations, text and typography, raster images, vector filters, and charts and graphs. Finally, you learn about saving and exporting files, using Actions, scanning images, printing files, creating color separations, creating Web graphics, and dealing with cross-platform issues. The author addresses both Windows and Macintosh users but is sensitive to the differences between the two platforms. --Kathleen Caster