If you've ever installed Windows 95, reinstalled Windows 95, wished you had never installed Windows 95, or are stalled just at the thought of Windows 95, you need this book on your shelf. Windows 95 Secrets, Fourth Edition, is the kind of reference book that operating systems should ship with. Since it may be awhile until that day comes, it's good to know that someone is publishing the information. The authors fill each chapter with plenty of tips and tricks that range from the cosmetic to the utilitarian. You'll discover how to configure every facet of the Windows 95 interface, including those New Age startup and shutdown graphics. You'll also learn many keystroke and mouse tricks to zipping around the desktop and browsing the hard drive more efficiently. This book brings the hazy world of the Registry to light with clear guides to editing and managing the files. Windows 95 Secrets lists and explains the available Windows 95 upgrades, expansion packs, and "unofficial" utilities, such as Power Toys, right up front, so you can make sure you're running the latest version with all of the coolest and most useful gadgets. Previews of Internet Explorer 4.0 shell integration features pepper the entire volume. Windows 95 Secrets also reports on the functionality you can expect when the operating system and the Web browser collide. However, the author marks the juiciest tidbits with icons that indicate tips, undocumented features, and secrets. These tidbits are excellent skimming aids if you want to go straight to the good stuff.