This is an outstanding full-color guide for a range of Illustrator users. As with other Wow! books, this one is a compilation of hands-on advice from a wide variety of accomplished artists with lots of experience with the software. The tips let you make the most of Illustrator's tools to create many different types of images, all quite professional looking. The author, an award-winning artist herself, starts off with an introduction to the essential Illustrator features--from working with objects and palettes to working with transformations, views, color, image formats, Postscript, and output. The book goes on to offer more in-depth discussions of shapes, lines, fills, colors, templates, layers, blends, gradients, paths, type, layout, masks, special effects, external apps, not to mention Web, multimedia, and animation projects. As you work through many exercises and browse image galleries from the contributing artists, you learn expert-level tips and techniques. The book includes technical notes, company and artist information, publications, a glossary, and a list of keyboard shortcuts. The companion CD-ROM has Brushes, Actions, clip art, fonts, tutorials, and demo versions of Illustrator and other software programs. --Kathleen Caster