Books about XML often provide more detail than the reader needs and not enough coverage of related technologies. It's under this premise that Michael J. Young has written Step by Step XML, a kinder, gentler tutorial to XML. The first thing the reader notices about this book is its light, illustrative style. Well-designed syntax diagrams and pieces of sample code ease XML newcomers into each topic. Valid and well-formed XML syntax is presented at a leisurely pace, with plenty of examples. XML display that uses cascading style sheets (CSS) is presented in a similar manner. Those who are new to XML should be aware of the topics this book leaves out, however. For example, there is no discussion of schemas--the upcoming alternative to Document Type Definition (DTD)--and relatively little explanation of XML as a data-transfer mechanism. Data binding is discussed, but the focus definitely is on using XML as a presentation vehicle. While this shouldn't be your only XML tutorial, it's a comfortable introduction to the basics and will be especially applicable to your work if you code for Internet Explorer 5.0. For a first taste of XML, it's a fine place to start. --Stephen W. Plain Topics covered: - XML document structure
- Well-formed versus valid documents
- Processing instructions
- CDATA sections
- Entities
- XML with CSS
- XML data binding
- Display with DOM scripts
- XSL style sheets