Java grows larger and more feature-rich each year. The Java Developer's Almanac 1999 provides experienced programmers with a carefully organized portrait of the language since JavaSoft's release of Java 2. This book presents information on all core Java packages and their contents (except javax.swing.plaf.*, omitted to save space) in tabular, easily searchable form. Entries for hundreds of classes and interfaces include inheritance information and member listings, complete with argument specifications and return data types. Package entries give brief summaries in English of what each package member does. The only elements of this book that are slightly didactic are the succinct examples that show how to perform various tasks, such as create a JavaBean or load native code. Patrick Chan based The Java Developer's Almanac 1999 on a late preview release of what used to be called Java 1.2, now known in its final form as Java 2. Though he refers to "Java 1.2" in the text, this book actually covers Java 1.0x, Java 1.1x, and Java 2--the difference between Java 1.2 and Java 2 is semantic. --David Wall