When a program reaches version 8, and a book its fifth edition, somebody is doing something right. In the case of Special Edition: Using Macromedia Director 8, both Macromedia and Gary Rosenzweig are doing the right things by improving the popular multimedia creation tool, and the means to learn how to use it. Director 8 has numerous new features, which build on its already vast feature list. While Macromedia's manuals are good, a book like this really helps get a beginning or intermediate user up to speed, and introduces new features to experienced users. A short summary lists the new features in the introduction, but they are highlighted also throughout the course of the book via "New To..." sidebars. Whether you are new or old to Director, Special Edition: Using Macromedia Director 8 is a concise and complete reference. Broken down into 11 main sections--starting with "Director Basics" through "Basic Lingo," "Authoring in Director," "Using Director to Create Professional Applications," and on to "Advanced Topics," which includes creating Java applets--this massive volume is well documented and illustrated. Filled with sidebar tips, code snippets, and screen shots, it explains virtually every Director 8 feature in detail. As a bonus, the CD-ROM includes two complete and complex unprotected Director projects that are just waiting to be examined, poked, prodded, and otherwise reverse-engineered. Of course, the CD-ROM also contains a vast array of other goodies, like a trial version of Director 8, a sprite library for creating animation, and most of the files and projects that are used throughout the book. If you never have used Director before, this might not be the right book for you. Although it does start with some basic features, it goes through them quickly. But, if you have some experience in it or you're looking to get up to speed, this handsome reference is money and time well spent. --Mike Caputo