Just as the Java 2 specification expands upon the solid foundation created by earlier versions of the Java language, The Java Class Libraries: Supplement for the Java 2 Platform builds on the base established by the highly respected The Java Class Libraries, Second Edition, Volume 1. This supplement covers all that's new and changed in the, java.lang, java.lang.reflect, java.math,, java.text, java.util, and packages, as well as the new java.util.jar and java.lang.ref packages in their entirety. Since this supplement covers only the new and modified material, you'll need to keep the older volume (whose contents are indexed in the Supplement for the Java 2 Platform, by the way) on hand. The Supplement for the Java 2 Platform takes the form of a series of entries, each detailing the characteristics of a single class. Entries include a full statement of the class's inheritance, a full list of the members of the class (with flags next to those members that are new or have changed since Java 1.1), and detailed subentries on the flagged members. Members' subentries include a brief statement of the member's purpose and syntax, along with a prose description of the member's behavior. All members' subentries also include either an illustrative example or a reference to one that appears with another member. --David Wall