Setting up a Web site ranks among the most deceptively simple tasks in all of computerdom. At the end of the day, you just edit documents (and who hasn't done that before?). Even HTML, the underlying language of Web pages, is pretty easy to understand. But once the creation process gets underway, it becomes apparent that HTML coding is tedious, and that page designers often spend hours figuring out tiny layout details. Adobe GoLive CS is meant to ease and automate the process of creating and maintaining sites, and Adobe GoLive CS Classroom in a Book should serve you well as a tutorial and guide during your first GoLive projects. Adobe chose a traditional style for this textbook, documenting the capabilities of GoLive one at a time with brief introductory paragraphs, stepped procedures, and screen shots that show the relevant pieces of the user interface. The illustrations effectively show processes--a series of three or more pictures might show how to select and modify an element, as well as the end result--but they and the steps usually manage to show only the standard way of doing something. There's less coverage of odd cases and obscure capabilities. Still, this book will get you off the ground and using Adobe GoLive effectively. --David Wall Topics covered: How to use Adobe GoLive CS to create and manage Web sites, assuming you've never done much work along those lines before. In addition to the essentials of text layout, hyperlinks, and tables, this book covers JavaScript for image rollover effects (and some others), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for consistent application of design rules, and the GoLive features related to ongoing site management.