Rating:  Summary: Couldn't Put it Down! Review: Excellent work by Mr. Rawles. In it he explores the possibilities and what ifs of a total collapse of the civilized world that we have come to know and upon which we depend. Imagine, if you will, that the economy spins out of control and takes civilized society with it. Imagine this event making the Great Depression look like a walk in the park. How would one survive or thrive during such a chaotic experience? Can it be done alone? What are the real problems and issues that might need to be overcome? Mr. Rawles novel explores those possibilites. His information is well presented. Obviously a lot of thought and research went into this novel. It reads more like a contingency plan and less like some escapist fantasy. It beats any sci-fi novel hands down. I strongly recommend "Patriots" to anyone who's ever wondered what would happen should the day come when they dialed 911 and nobody answered.(Remember Hurricane Andrew and the LA Riots?) Read "Patriots" and find out. It is definitely time well spent. However, let me offer a word of warning. Pick up "Patriots" and you won't want to put it down until its finished!
Rating:  Summary: A quality book, entertaining and useful. Review: I read "Patriots" and enjoyed it very much. In fact I enjoyed it so much I read it five times. It was well written and had some very valuable information on how to "take care of yourself and your family" should the need arise. Also, I found that I became good friends with the characters in the book. They had their acts together and even a certain wit about them at times. This book is an absolute must for those that are concerned about what the near future might hold for us. I can hardly wait for the next series of books by Author James Wesley Rawles.
Rating:  Summary: A MUST! Review: I have never enjoyed a book as thoroughly as I enjoyed this one. It was everything that I had hoped it to be and more! Informative and realistic, I couldn't put it down!
Rating:  Summary: Tom Russell Review: Excellent information, well researched. Mr. Rawles seems to have written the novel to inform and encourage as much as to entertain. He reminds us that freedom demands sacrifice and that the only thing that costs more than freedom is slavery.
Rating:  Summary: A Waste of Time Review: A really, really dumb book. Poorly written nonsense that is incredibly boring and unenlightened. A miserably pathetic mess.
Rating:  Summary: Keep a copy of "Patriots" in your survival backpack. Review: "Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse" should be read by all of those concerned with what the very real, very near future may have in store for us. I personally do not have the expendable income to prepare to the extent that the characters in this book did, but I do now have specific direction in case I choose to do so. Readers will probably grow tired of the stale dialogue that goes on between the unlikeable characters of this book, but the information given is explosive. Check out the chapter entitled "Federales" and you'll see what I mean. Buy this book while you still can!
Rating:  Summary: Some good info but... Review: There is some good info in this book, however, it is, for the lack of a better word, corny. For instance when one of the main characters gets shot multiple times and his intestines are hanging out of his body, he exclaims " Oh Crud!", how's that for realism. A lot of other things in the book are very unrealistic. This group is very concerned about having enough food and supplies, yet they give away a lot of it to strangers in need. A nice thought but not to realistic. This book also goes on and on and on in way too much detail about things such as the finer points of radio transmission and M1 tanks. The only reason I bought this book is because the author was on a local radio show and made this book sound fantastic. The only reason I read the whole thing is because I had $15 invested in it.
Rating:  Summary: Another Scary, but Possible Scenario Review: James Wesley Rawles' "Patriots" is another of several scary novels currently available that deal with possible future events in this country and the world. And to have Mr. Rawles' work reviewed and commented on in a flattering manner by another top drawer author like Jerry Furland, "(Transfer: The end of the beginning"), is high praise indeed! Both "Patriots" and "Transfer" deliver engrossing tales that are hard to put down. Both authors see the future in a way that makes us want to pay closer attention to the current events we read and hear about every day. "Transfer" zeroes in on more of the technology that is in place or presently being developed that could make his fictional view of the future highly probable. Mr. Rawles and Mr. Furland, you guys do good work!
Rating:  Summary: Some good info but a little corny. Review: There is some good info in this book but sometimes it gets waytoo detailed. What I mean by corny is, for instance, when one of the main characters gets shot in the abdomen and his intestine is hanging out of his body he exclaims "Oh Crud!" how's that for realistic!
Rating:  Summary: It was thrust into my hands! Review: What do you do when the person you have just signed a book for insists on giving you one in return? You say thank you and slide it under the table-at least until the appearance has ended.On the flight home I devoured Patriots-shortest six hour flight in history. You will want to hang on to this one-loan it out, but insist on it's return. To Mr. Rawles, I tip my hat. You Sir, spin a compelling and thought provoking tale. One of the best I have read in this genre. Jerry Furland, author of "Transfer-the end of the beginning..."