Systems integrators need ways to handle messages as they flow among elements of a system. Smooth message handling is vital to enterprise application integration. IBM's MQSeries product has emerged as the dominant force in mainframe message queuing. Microsoft Message Queue Server (MSMQ) line is gaining strength on Windows computers. Advanced Messaging Applications with MSMQ and MQSeries shows how to put the two to use. Rhys Lewis's consultant nature shows through in this book. His organization strategy is to present problems that need to be solved and then proceed to solve them in various ways. It's a practical approach, and Lewis is careful to choose problems that systems integrators are likely to encounter on the job. He first creates a straight client/server system that uses message queuing directory lookups and then moves on to adorn the basic system with additional features (including asynchronous update capability and automatic server starting). Lewis presents the problems clearly and lists C programs that solve them. He then comments on the software to clarify what's going on. He is careful to solve problems with both messaging packages (MSMQ and MQSeries) and does a good job of separating the architecture of his solutions from their implementation. A handy reference to the MSMQ and MQSeries APIs wraps up this volume. --David Wall Topics covered: The MSMQ and IBM MQSeries lines of message-queuing software for applications integrators in regard to typical enterprise application integration requirements. Using C code, message-based database queries, asynchronous database updates, transactions and threading, and error handling are explained.