In Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Office 2000, the line between macros and full-fledged programs has blurred more than ever. VBA for Microsoft Office 2000 assumes you have no programming experience and teaches you how to take full advantage of the considerable customization options that VBA offers. This book takes a conventional--and generally effective--approach to the problem of teaching a nonprogrammer how to write computer code. After a quick orientation to the Visual Basic Editor, the process of running your code, and the overall structure of VBA modules, the author explains core language elements. You'll learn about variables, operators, and--in general terms--objects. This grounding prepares you for the sections that reveal VBA objects exposed by Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. Though he provides decent coverage of objects and their general use, it would be better if the book were organized in a way that made reference easier. VBA has plenty of power to build user interfaces for databases, and VBA for Microsoft Office 2000 covers those capabilities in some detail. This book supplies substantial insight that will enable you to program with references to Data Access Objects (DAO), Jet databases, and open database connectivity (ODBC) Direct workspaces. (Sample code is included.) There's also information on the objects that facilitate network publishing. --David Wall