Rating:  Summary: Beware the inaccuracies! Review: There is probably a lot to recommend this book, but it gets obscured by careless blunders. For example, the loader utility is incorrectly named, and syntax for some statements is wrong. It's a big work to try to get right, but it's a "complete reference" that requires other reference works to complement it. It's better than Oracle documentation, though.
Rating:  Summary: Finish Cover to Cover and Enjoy High Market Value in 30 days Review: Intially this book was very easy for me. Slowly it became complex and now it is my another reference book. I recommended this to my brother-in-law, my wife and several friends. They all have recommended this to others in turn. They all think this is best book to have all about Oracle in one place.
Rating:  Summary: The only book you need for SQL and SQL*PLUS Review: You can find anything you want about SQL and SQL*PLUS in this book. It's the best reference about Oracle I ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: Una vera bibbia sui database relazionali e su Oracle! Review: Ho acquistato la versione italiana di questo testo edito dalla McGrow-Hill e Vi garantisco che le 127.000 lire che costa le vale tutte. Lo consiglio a tutti in quanto non e', come molti potrebbero credere, dedicato agli esperti di Oracle ma anche a chi ci si avvicina per la prima volta ed e' realmente interessato a capire come si progetta e si gestisce un database relazionale (o relazionale ad oggetti). Se questo libro lo leggessero con attenzione anche tutti coloro che credono di sapere gia' tutto sui database sicuramente avrebbero molto su cui riflettere. E' scritto in un linguaggio estremamente comprensibile e, se non fosse per il peso e lo spessore (e' enorme) sarebbe bello da leggere anche in riva al mare o a letto. Sono assolutamente soddisfatto dei soldi spesi e sicurissimo che lo troverete ottimo anche Voi.
Rating:  Summary: A Definitive Reference ! Review: The book is aimed at elucidating the Oracle Technology laying bare the rationale for its features. Very interesting to read.. The CD shipped by McGrawHill has a defect which makes this package less than complete. Disappointing that they could ship it without checking it.
Rating:  Summary: A top-class book ! Review: This book is written in a language that is easy to understand,proof that it is a product of a clear mind. It is strongly recommended for all grades of Oracle professionals.I have learnt much in a short period and can't seem to get off the book when I am at it. Excellent !
Rating:  Summary: A complete Oracle Reference Review: Though the quality of the book's content is comprehensive, the CD enclosed with the book is often unusable due to a manufacturing defect. In the past I have purchased 15 copies of the book and only 3 or 4 of the CDs are usable. The actual content on the CD rom is excellent, although you can not copy and paste from the Complete Reference.
Rating:  Summary: New features in this book Review: For the benefit of people who have read the previous editions of this book, here are the new chapters for this edition:Chapter 4 - The Basics of Object-Relational databases Chapter 22 - An Introduction to PL/SQL Chapter 25: Implementing Types, Object Views, and Methods Chapter 26: Collectors (Nested Tables and Varying Arrays) Chapter 27: Using Large Objects (LOBs) in Oracle8 Chapter 29: Using ConText for Text Searches Chapter 30: Configuring the ConText Option Chapter 31: Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts in Oracle8 The other chapters also have been updated. For example, chapter 17 now includes information on index-only tables and partitions, and the chapter on the data dictionary has major revisions. The Alphabetical Reference section has been streamlined and updated.
Rating:  Summary: "The Complete Reference" Review: A very appropriate title "The Complete Reference". This book gives you all you need to know about Orcale Database
Rating:  Summary: Very useful Review: As it says, it is a reference book. I use it often. It gets you up and running when you need.