With five new chapters devoted to the upgraded features in Adobe's image editing software (including ImageReady 2), Photoshop 5/5.5 Artistry incorporates all the material from the version 5 book, with new instructions on creating images for the Web. Just like the earlier book, this full-color guide to Photoshop caters to professionals who work with digital photographs and graphics, especially those with significant experience in both traditional photography and in using Photoshop. After an opening section on basics like tools, palettes, actions, and layers, the book discusses more advanced topics in digital imaging, such as applying the Zone System to Photoshop, mastering calibration, color spaces, scanning, resolutions, and histograms. Hands-on tutorials show how to use selections, layers, and masks for color correction, retouching, and compositing images. And there are more step-by-step examples of working with calculations, patterns, filters, and layer effects. The new chapters show the differences between JPEG, GIF, and PNG compression formats and how to optimize images within Photoshop 5.5's 4-Up dialog box. There are hands-on sessions for creating GIF animations, sliced GIFs, and rollovers using ImageReady 2. And these chapters cover new tools that go beyond just Web production, like the magic eraser and the new type dialog box. Throughout, the book features text-heavy explanations accompanied by plenty of illustrations and screen shots. It's the sort of image-laden book you can learn from just by reading the captions (for example, using linear and nonlinear history). An extensive index makes it ideal for troubleshooting. The sample photographs included on the CD-ROM are of excellent quality and are highly applicable to professional jobs. --Angelynn Grant Topics covered: Intermediate and advanced instruction on using Photoshop 5.5 and ImageReady 2 for creating and manipulating digital images. In particular, lessons on creating a master digital image with effective use of color spaces, device characterization, color management, calibration of monitor and output devices, scanning, resolution and histograms; color correcting, retouching, and compositing using selections and layers; creating special effects using blend modes, calculations, filters, and layers effects; optimizing image formats for the Web, creating GIF animations, sliced GIFs, and rollovers. CD-ROM includes sample images in different stages used in overviews and tutorials and demo versions of applications.