If you'd like to learn in depth how to use Adobe Acrobat--and you prefer plenty of hands-on guidance--you'll enjoy this installment in the well-regarded "Classroom in a Book" series. It shows both Windows and Macintosh users how to go from beginner to qualified PDF (portable document file) publisher without needless hassle. You work along with the step-by-step projects and come to a thorough understanding of Acrobat's various features. Each lesson ends with review questions and answers, and a few also have suggestions for exploring the subject further, on your own. The book starts with an interactive tour of the Acrobat interface, which shows you how to convert, navigate, edit, annotate, and distribute portable documents. It provides a strong introduction to Acrobat's uses, including specifics on the program's tools, palettes, and navigational elements. One of the tasks has you creating an online version of a book using custom bookmarks. Later you're taught how to include interactivity, in addition to a searchable library and catalog. Multimedia rounds out the book, showing you how the specifics of sound and movies work to enhance a software tutorial. --Kathleen Caster