Rating:  Summary: The good thing about this book is how Smith & Sussman Review: demonstrate, (in the very first chapter), that there are situations in database management that can only be solved with programming. Although I majored (many years ago) in Computer Science in college, I am relatively new to Access and Access VBA programming. (I came to Access after 3-4 years of doing dBASE.) Naturally, my boss threw me in to a fairly significant project that required me to get "real smart" real fast with Access; which is what led me to this book. This is a good "nuts and bolts" type programming book. Nuggets of programming wisdom are scattered throughout. You get the feeling, as you work your way thru the book, that the authors have payed their dues - they know (intimately) of what they speak. (The occassional smattering of British wit and humor is also refreshing.) The only shortcoming I find with this book is minimal coverage of data normalization and database design issues. (Most of this is glossed over in the first chapter.) However, since entire textbooks are written on this subject, this is a "sin" that can be forgiven. (I suspect the authors intentionally chose to avoid a long chapter or two on normalization precisely because this is a "Beginning" book and they didn't want to get their readers bogged down in - and bored with - all the thorny details of database design theory.) All-in-all, this is an excellent book. Spend time digging deep into this book and you will learn and grow as a programmer. There are other [good] Access programming books out there, but if you're going to be doing serious Access development work, (and you care about the quality of the code you write), you could do a lot worse than to buy this book. One final comment: No, I was not payed, bribed, or in any other way induced to write such a glowing testimonial. The fact of the matter is that I went from being nervous about the prospect of abject failure, (in a language and development environment that I had no previous experience with), to a feeling of confidence that everything would be OK. (Why heck, I'm almost to the point now where I actually like this object-oriented programming!)
Rating:  Summary: Great book for expert access interface user that needs VBA Review: Don't be missled by the title. This is a great beginning Visual Basic for Application book not a beginning Access book. If you have mastered the Access interface and want to progress to VBA programming for run time sollutions using DOA, this is a great book for the novice programer. Detailed explaination of how VBA works. Very clear examples of Arrays and keywords like byVal. This is just the book I was looking for.
Rating:  Summary: d Review: ff
Rating:  Summary: Was very effective for me...to a point. Also a few bugs Review: How can you argue with success? I came, I bought, I read, I programmed. Not without faults, this book has a few minor bugs and misses a few useful techniques that I needed, but I was able to use the information learned to help fill in most of the blanks by myself. That makes it an effective tool, IMO.
Rating:  Summary: A must have for everyone learning VBA Review: I can't say how helpful this book has been in developing my VBA skills. I bought this book as a refrence, but I just finished reading it from cover to cover. This is a wonderful book for someone who has some Access knowledge, and wants to advance their skills. Great work!
Rating:  Summary: Very good Review: I didn't quite know anything about functions and subrountines in VBA until I purchase this book. It has help me out alot. I have had the book for over 3 months and am only 1/2 way through it. I like WROX books. I also have another one of there books Beginning Visual C++5. this was purchase for school. There both very good. but right now am sticking to VBA in accesss
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding book to expand your abilities in Access 97 Review: I had taken a five day class in Access by Executrain and had been working for a few months both before and after that in Access. I was creating some nice databases at work but needed to do more. I bought this book to learn how to use VBA and make more dynamic databases. This book was everything I had hoped for and more. It is an excellent tutorial and has a perfect match between the book and the sample files on the disk. I tried to learn Access with the "Access 97 Bible" but it had a terrible tutorial and the sample files did not even resemble the book. This book is a must for anyone who wants to create complex, full-feature datbases with great functionality. I have only completed the first six and a half chapters and have learned so much. The text is clear, easy to read, and very well ordered. Despite not having programed basic since my PCjr it was a great reintroduction to programming. It starts off very basic and does not leave you behind. I could not recommend this book more highly for anyone wanting to program VBA in Access 97.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book. Worth the money! Review: I had taken on a project where I needed to code some VBA for Access 97 which I had never done before. I was able to use this book and a weekend to get the project going! All in all a good book with excellent examples. If you have some programming experience and want to do some VBA, this is a great book to start with.
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT - BUT not a beginners book Review: I just finished reading this book and plan to keep it around for reference. Considering it is only 595 pages, which is small for any programming book these days, it covers a lot of ground yet explains it all very well. I would not recommend this book to beginners but I would recommend it to anyone/everyone that has either worked with Access 97 for awhile or read a "real beginners book" (Such as ACCESS 97 Macro and VBA Handbook) first. Well done guys! I have read numerous books on Access 97 and VBA and this is by far one of the best.
Rating:  Summary: Dont make it your first book on VBA! Review: I made this my first book, I new nothing about VB or VBA, but I new a bit about using Access. I couldnt get around it, does not explain in detail all concepts on each matter. If you know nothing, do this first read VB6.0 for Dummies first, then VBA programming for Dummies second, then this book. Then its GREAT. This is the process that I took to find myself racing through VB or VBA code and ACTUALLY understanding all of it!!. Good luck.