Rating:  Summary: Four Stars Review: (...)I must admit I found this book quite an easy read compared to all the other flash animation books out there. I just wanted to know how to make my toons look better. I am by no means a professional animator, so I may be a bit biased and happy with such simplicity.
Rating:  Summary: Four Stars Review: (...)I must admit I found this book quite an easy read compared to all the other flash animation books out there. I just wanted to know how to make my toons look better. I am by no means a professional animator, so I may be a bit biased and happy with such simplicity.
Rating:  Summary: more animation Review: A very good book - but next time I would like to see some more concise information to help me learn how to animate better instead of stories and stuff that isn't by the author. Some nice pictures though.
Rating:  Summary: Abosolutly Brilliant! Review: As a noted literary expert and enthusiast, I know a great writer when I see one. Mr. Corsaro has pushed the limit once more and will no doubt be joining the likes of William Faulkner, John Steinbeck and F. Scott Fitzgerald with his latest effort. I was performing Summer Stock in Leeds over a fortnight ago and had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Corsaro in person. He was charming to say the least. Upon hearing his theories on society and culture, I knew that I was speaking to not only one of the great literary minds of our time, but a legend who's name will be synonymous with the word "genius" for centuries to come. From now on when I think of the greatest pieces of literature of all time I will recite "War & Peace" by Tolstoy, "Catcher in the Rye" by Salinger and "The Flash Animator" by Corsaro. Well-done old boy!
Rating:  Summary: Crystal Clear! Review: As an art director, I had to supply my team of flash designers with some reference materials for our current project. This book was recommended to me at Flash Forward last week in NYC as the only Flash book, that will teach designers how to "animate". In other words, not just move things around, but give objects life, personality, and bounce. Well, I must admit...while other books attempt to do that, this one is by far the most clarified and well written. This book is very much like those old Walter Lantz or Preston Blair books of the 1960s. Its very visually stimulating and that's saying a lot for something deemed, "a computer book". It does a great job of explaining complex concepts without bogging down the artist in a myriad of rambling text. The artwork was superb and very engaging. Stylistically it's quite diverse, which I loved! Compare it to the other "flash animation" books out there, and you'll see its a great purchase.
Rating:  Summary: One Word Review: AWESOME! This book opens a whole new world of Flash that I never knew about.
Rating:  Summary: Great purchase Review: Compared to the other books out there, this one is well worth the price. I especially liked the interview sections because the author didnt just interview flash animators, but all types of artists & animators. It's quite a compilation of talent. I also dug the various styles the author used through out the book. Whether it was intentional or not, the wide range of artistic styles he created kept it really engaging. I have always thought flash's animation's biggest asset was its maleability in terms of art direction. I'm hardly an "animator" as the author so boldly defines it, but this book has really given my flash design work some -ummpf-! Its amazing how making the smallest little changes to an object can drastically fool your eyes!
Rating:  Summary: Quite disappointing Review: Corsaro only comments about well known features of flash and interview some friends. The only valuable thing is the CD-ROM so you can explore the files. If you are a Flash pro look at Flash Cartoon Animation: Learn from the Pros from Friends of Ed (ISBN 1590592077) it's more production centric.
Rating:  Summary: Quite disappointing Review: Corsaro only comments about well known features of flash and interview some friends. The only valuable thing is the CD-ROM so you can explore the files. If you are a Flash pro look at Flash Cartoon Animation: Learn from the Pros from Friends of Ed (ISBN 1590592077) it's more production centric.
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Review: Finally somebody wrote a book about how to use flash for animation. It doesnt get too technical and explains more about how things move than all the nuances of vector art. Nice artwork. The interviews are worth the price itself.