Radio Userland, in case you haven't heard of it, is a content aggregator. It collects story lists from Weblogs and other Internet sites--standardized protocols for doing this exist--and allows you to view them easily. It's also a Weblog editor that enables you to manipulate your own blog more efficiently than standard Web interfaces allow. In Radio Userland Kick Start, Rogers Cadenhead explains how to use the software, taking into account that Radio Userland is a new kind of application with which many of his readers will not be familiar. He does an admirable job of explaining both the general ideas (Weblogging and cherrypicking content) and the specifics of Radio Userland itself. About half of this book is concerned with user-level features of Radio Userland (that is, everything short of programming); the other half has to do with programming in the UserTalk programming language (as well as a handful of related ones). The user-level coverage is comprehensive and patient enough to get you through the moments of confusion that are sure to strike as you learn about the Radio environment. The programming coverage is similarly complete, explaining both theory (like how RSS feeds work) and practice (there are lots of code listings that illustrate popular effects). This book covers its subject fully. --David Wall Topics covered: How to use Radio Userland, its associated Weblog hosting service, the UserTalk language, and the RSS syndication format to consume and publish news and commentary on the Internet, even if you've never Weblogged before.