Software design patterns let developers reuse tried-and-true designs in new projects. For the state of the art in object design, consider Patterns in Java, perhaps the best book that Java developers have at their disposal for getting leading-edge pattern expertise in a convenient and well-organized volume. The guide opens with background on pattern research, including the groundbreaking Design Patterns. This new title goes further, with 41 software patterns, all illustrated with UML diagrams and sample Java code. Early patterns, such as Delegation and Proxy, show how classes can work together without relying on inheritance. Next come creational patterns, such as the Factory and Builder patterns and the newer Object Pool pattern (which can be used to pool database connections for faster performance). Subsequent sections move on to partitioning patterns, such as the Layered Initialization, as well as structural patterns, such as the Adapter, Facade, and Flyweight patterns. A section on behavioral patterns mixes older patterns such as the Chain of Responsibility and the Strategy with newer designs such as the Little Language and Snapshot patterns. The book closes with seven newer patterns for designing distributed and multitasked systems. --Richard Dragan