Rating:  Summary: What I like in a woman Review: I like a woman who is honest. Manipulative is not honest; it's immature. Hard to imagine how a relationship could last that is based on such behavior.I like women who take initiative. I like women who return phone calls. If you do not return my call, I will not call again. When you don't, what I hear you saying is that you are not interested. I also like women who initiate phone calls themselves. I like women who don't wait 24 hours to reply to an email. I also like women who don't avoid writing simply because it is during the weekend and don't want to appear to be unbusy at that time. I like women who don't stop writing after four emails simply because I haven't asked them out yet. A woman who behaves like that is going to miss the love of her life. I like well educated women. A woman who answers with a terse three line quickie suggests that she is inarticulate. That she artificially suppresses communication seems to be contradictory to one of the most foundational aspects of a successful relationship: open, honest communication. The techniques this book recommends would quickly cause me to look elsewhere. I like women who answer the questions I ask instead of ignoring them. I like women who don't passively wait to be asked out. If you want to go out, ask. Fear of rejection? Now you understand what equality means. For both men and women, if we don't ask, the answer is automatically no. I like women who are truly interested in equality in a relationship. That means not insisting on equality only when it suits them. I like women who don't use double standards. When I ask a woman for a date, she is my guest and I should pay. It is impolite for her to demand to pay half. If she wants to pay for something, she should do the asking. Then I'd be her guest. She should do half the asking if she really wants equality. I like women who have a sense of humor. That doesn't mean women who exclusively expect to be entertained with my sense of humor, but rather those who are capable of creating humor themselves. If you want a relationship, stop playing games. This book helps to explain why an ever increasing percentage of women finish college, reach their 30th birthday, reach their 40th birthday without ever finding the right man for them. The only real value I see to this book is that it helps me to weed out the women who rely upon such techniques.
Rating:  Summary: Candid overview of what to expect in the online dating world Review: I never thought I would give a good review to anything having to do with "The Rules." Like many women, I find "The Rules" to be a bit silly, although I agree with the spirit of these rules. Imagine my surprise when I picked up this book and found tons of valuable information. Even if you never practice one rule in the book, it is a very candid overview of what can be expected in the online dating world. Why not benefit from the experiences of others? I've been on and off the online dating scene for a year and a half. I wish I had read this book much earlier on, it would have saved me much confusion and time. I find their observations to be right on target. Especially useful is their advice concerning long distance relationships. I've read a few other books on this topic, but I still find theirs to be the best. I still think some of their rules are silly, otherwise I would have given this book five stars.
Rating:  Summary: Very Helpful! Review: I read the original "Rules" book before it became popular, and I was one of the people who the authors polled when they were working on "The Rules for Online Dating." This book is wonderful if (like me) you are a very sensitive person who is eager to find Mr. Right. I've had my heart broken quite a few times over online dating experiences, and I must admit, each time it happened, I broke the "Rules" that are in this book. It's easy to get carried away with the fantasy of online correspondence, and this "Rules" book will save you a lot of time and heartache. I was surprised to read so many user-reviews about this book that were written by men. If you are a man, and you are trying to figure women out by reading "The Rules for Online Dating," I have some advice for you... If you really like a girl, and think you would be a good match, dont give up. Be persisent and try to meet her. Don't worry about whether she is "playing games." Why not? Here's why: (1) A lady who seems to be "doing THE RULES on you" may have never even heard of this book! There were times when I was not "into" the RULES, and didn't care whether I followed them or not. Then, to my surprise, I noticed that I practiced them by accident, simply because real life got in the way. For instance, I didn't email men back for a few days because I was too busy to check my email. (This can be infuriating if you are the kind of person who checks his email every day, but face it, not everybody does!) I recently met a guy from internet dating who informed me over dinner that he was glad he "tried again." I had no idea what he was talking about. It turns out, he had emailed me before, but I deleted his emails without even looking at them. This had nothing to do with the "Rules" book and everything to do with the job I took to make some extra money for Christmas presents. (2) If a girl really IS making a conscious effort to follow this book, does it matter? She's just trying to take the relationship slowly. She just wants to be sure you are a nice guy whom she can trust. Would you really advise your sister, daughter, or divorced/widowed mother to email strange men from the internet, share personal information and intimate thoughts with these strange men (in writing!), and go running/flying off to meet and sleep with these men at a moment's notice? Give us girls a break. Most of us don't have Papa standing on the porch with a shotgun when we meet new men, so we have to do SOMETHING to protect ourselves from creeps and "players."
Rating:  Summary: The Rules Work! Review: I think this is a natural addition to Sherrie and Ellen's previous books. Their concept of the Rules absolutely improves dating.. if you're serious about looking for Mr. Right. It's the best reference so you don't waste your time on-line with Mr. Wrong. I think you still need their first book, The Rules, to reinforce the Rules when you meet your on-line guy.
Rating:  Summary: Where was this book 5 years ago? Review: I wish they had written this book 4 or 5 years ago as it would have saved me a lot of trouble and stress. You need to be careful not to give too much of yourself when chatting/flirting with someone online, because you're most likely not the only one that person is flirting with.
Rating:  Summary: Rules? Review: If women don't enjoy playing games in relationships, why resort to "rules"?
Rating:  Summary: What not to do Review: If you're interested in wasting time, playing games, frustrating people, and attracting guys who know how to work the Rules then buy this book. On the other hand, if you're interested in meeting good, solid and sincere people avoid any advice these authors have to give with the exception of personal safety. This book teaches women how to act disinterested, aloof and unavailable - the perfect way to disuade Mr. Right from contacting you again. Perhaps the worst advice in this book is limiting yourself solely to men who respond to your ad.
Rating:  Summary: The Rules for Cyberspace Review: Just because we're living in an age of technology doesn't mean men and women have changed. Men still like a challenge; if you are being too accessible to them online, then the thrill of the chase is over. Even in online dating, there are RULES. The authors help you learn how to be mysterious, even though you are posting personal data online. And for the naysayers, THE RULES are not about tricking men, but about being true to yourself. Don't you want to be cherished? Don't you want to be the most special person in your man's life? Then read THE RULES books (especially the first one) and start practicing THE RULES today.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent advice Review: Like many women, I found myself asking, "Why didn't they write this book X years ago?" It would have saved me a lot of heartbreak if I had read and followed their advice. Let me tell you from experience, if a guy really likes you, he will pursure you even if you don't return his calls. When you are dating online, don't IM or chat with him, but if you must, keep the 10-minute rule (don't talk for more than 10 minutes). Remember that he is probably talking to other girls so don't get your hopes pinned on just one guy. Respect yourself and if you meet in him in person, don't sleep with him. Follow Ellen and Sherrie's advice and you will respect yourself and he will respect you.
Rating:  Summary: Defense of the Rules Review: Men don't like the rules because it makes them have to work harder to get a woman. But the fact is that the Rules book isn't about meeting a million men - it's about finding that one man who will go the extra mile for you. And how are you gonna know if he really likes you and be comfortable in the relationship if he doesn't at least pursue? The other knock against the rules - that one of them is getting divorced - is completely unfair. Look at all of the great psychologists who have lived troubled lives (Dr. Spock's son attempted suicide). Just because her marriage didn't work out, that's not a knock against the rules. If anything, as she has publicly said, it has made her an even bigger supporter of the rules. Life is short, we need good men around! and to people who knock the rules for being "obvious", sometimes people need to be reminded of some "obvious" advice - because it's easy to forget what your momma told you - which is really what the rules are.