The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) is the foundation behind Visual Basic 6, even if Visual Basic (VB) hides most of the inner details. To write better VB programs for the enterprise, chances are you'll need to take on at least some of the intricacies of COM. VB COM: A Visual Basic Programmer's Introduction to COM provides an approachable guide to today's COM and other Microsoft technologies. The book begins with one of the most approachable and effective tours of COM you're likely to find anywhere. The author covers COM components along with fundamental terms (such as interfaces, globally unique identifiers (GUIDs), IUnknown, and the registry) with a minimum of hassle. In a section on OLE Automation, the author shows how to use VB to script Excel spreadsheets, while explaining the details of early and late binding, IDispatch, and dual interfaces. Next the author discusses how to build components, starting with ActiveX servers (both dynamic-link libraries [DLLs] and standalone EXEs) and proceeding to ActiveX controls. (The section on building controls is particularly strong, with good coverage of Ambient and Extender objects and connection points for event handling.) Throughout, VB COM relies on tools-based examples, with plenty of screen shots from VB 6 tools (such as its Class Builder Wizard). Later the book moves on to the enterprise with coverage of Distributed COM (DCOM), multitiered architectures, Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), and emerging standards such as COM+. In all, VB COM delivers a clear picture of the inner workings of COM for the VB developer with a useful mix of simplicity and essential technical detail. --Richard Dragan