Unlike many books trying to cover all things Max, 3ds max 4 Media Animation focuses on a specific use of the popular animation system from Discreet: creating opening graphics and logo animation for video. The book assumes the reader has some experience using Max, and in creating animation for video. It focuses on the design and production of six different animated openings, and three of those are real-world on-the-air clips from networks like MSNBC and NBC News. Four main sections of the book cover the projects step by step. No sections take the user on a tour of the interface, and there is no history of computer graphics. Instead, each chapter methodically describes only the steps involved in creating each particular project. If you've used Max and know the difference between a viewport and a roll-out, this book is for you. There are plenty of details to absorb, since each project is fairly complex. The "Funhouse" tutorial is more about lighting and texturing, with some emphasis on modeling. The "Voting Machine" project is mostly about modeling, while the "News Open" project is a combination of lighting and effects. Each chapter is liberally illustrated and clearly written. While many animators despise the idea of having to create yet another flying logo, many more have already embraced this genre and have realized that a comfortable living can be made as a talented motion graphics designer, as long as your work stands out from the crowd. It is far more difficult to design and execute an attractive motion graphics opening than you think, and if you haven't yet done it, 3ds max 4 Media Animation is a good place to start. --Mike Caputo