Rating:  Summary: Necessary Book? - You Be the Judge. Review: I am a professional consultant doing software for embedded processors. I have no affiliation with Myke Predko, the publisher, Microchip, or anyone else. Also, I am not getting paid for this. I got this book because I thought it would be handy to have a reference that had the assembly instructions for the PIC processor that I was using in one small book.I have already purchased and reviewed Myke's other book "Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers." Here's what I learned: 1. I found the portable and fold-up type instructions sheet (yes, one sheet) that came with Microchip's MPLAB-ICD to be easier to use than Myke's book for the purposes of writing code. I could find the instruction faster in this sheet than I could in Myke's book. Searching for an item on one sheet is faster than paging through a book. Also, I can make the same comments about the data-sheets. It was easier to print these out and reference them than it was to look through the book. 2. When I did use Myke's book, I found myself checking it against the Microchip data sheet for confirmation. I found spelling errors with some of the assembly instructions listed in the book (the 2nd bcf command on page 32 and the btfsc command on page 33 are prime examples.) 3. Each instruction is explained in great detail. He included how the status bits are affected for commands that affect these bits. This is good because you don't have to search for this information in the data sheets. However, when I am in the midst of writing a code, I don't want to think anymore than I have to. I don't want to go think through complex boolean expressions that I'll forget in a few seconds right after I understand them. The example below illustrates this by comparing Myke's approach with Microchip's approach. For the addwf f,d command, Microchip says in their instruction set summary "Add the contents of the W register with register f. If d is 0, the result is stored in the W register. if d is 1, the result is stored back in the register f." It also tells me which flags are affected. If I want to know how the flags are affected, I just look up the status register info. in the data sheet - simple. In his book, Myke writes: if (d==1) Reg = Reg + w else w = Reg + w endif c = (Reg+w) > 0x0FF Z = ((Reg + w)& 0x0FF) == 0 DC = ((Reg & 0x0F) + (w& 0x0F) > 0x0F The size of the book limits how this command is presented. Still, the status bits could have been explained separately as the explanation is applicable to all instructions that affect the C, Z, and DC bits of the status register. Doing this would make the command easier to read. 4. I found myself using this book less and less when searching for specific assembly commands. For the purposes of programming, all the information I need is in the Microchip data sheets. 5. Chapters 11 (Useful Code Snippets,) 12 (16 Bit Numbers,) and chapter 14 (Application Debugging Checklist.) are very useful - especially the first two. Myke's "Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers" book is worth buying. However, I am uncertain about recomending this book. Most of the information it contains can be found in the Microchip data sheets. If you like having the handy code snippets, the 16 bit numbers code, the debugging checklist, and other miscellaneous information handy then I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Necessary Book? - You Be the Judge. Review: I am a professional consultant doing software for embedded processors. I have no affiliation with Myke Predko, the publisher, Microchip, or anyone else. Also, I am not getting paid for this. I got this book because I thought it would be handy to have a reference that had the assembly instructions for the PIC processor that I was using in one small book. I have already purchased and reviewed Myke's other book "Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers." Here's what I learned: 1. I found the portable and fold-up type instructions sheet (yes, one sheet) that came with Microchip's MPLAB-ICD to be easier to use than Myke's book for the purposes of writing code. I could find the instruction faster in this sheet than I could in Myke's book. Searching for an item on one sheet is faster than paging through a book. Also, I can make the same comments about the data-sheets. It was easier to print these out and reference them than it was to look through the book. 2. When I did use Myke's book, I found myself checking it against the Microchip data sheet for confirmation. I found spelling errors with some of the assembly instructions listed in the book (the 2nd bcf command on page 32 and the btfsc command on page 33 are prime examples.) 3. Each instruction is explained in great detail. He included how the status bits are affected for commands that affect these bits. This is good because you don't have to search for this information in the data sheets. However, when I am in the midst of writing a code, I don't want to think anymore than I have to. I don't want to go think through complex boolean expressions that I'll forget in a few seconds right after I understand them. The example below illustrates this by comparing Myke's approach with Microchip's approach. For the addwf f,d command, Microchip says in their instruction set summary "Add the contents of the W register with register f. If d is 0, the result is stored in the W register. if d is 1, the result is stored back in the register f." It also tells me which flags are affected. If I want to know how the flags are affected, I just look up the status register info. in the data sheet - simple. In his book, Myke writes: if (d==1) Reg = Reg + w else w = Reg + w endif c = (Reg+w) > 0x0FF Z = ((Reg + w)& 0x0FF) == 0 DC = ((Reg & 0x0F) + (w& 0x0F) > 0x0F The size of the book limits how this command is presented. Still, the status bits could have been explained separately as the explanation is applicable to all instructions that affect the C, Z, and DC bits of the status register. Doing this would make the command easier to read. 4. I found myself using this book less and less when searching for specific assembly commands. For the purposes of programming, all the information I need is in the Microchip data sheets. 5. Chapters 11 (Useful Code Snippets,) 12 (16 Bit Numbers,) and chapter 14 (Application Debugging Checklist.) are very useful - especially the first two. Myke's "Programming & Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers" book is worth buying. However, I am uncertain about recomending this book. Most of the information it contains can be found in the Microchip data sheets. If you like having the handy code snippets, the 16 bit numbers code, the debugging checklist, and other miscellaneous information handy then I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: It's the accuracy, stupid. This is a reference book. Review: I finished "Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers" and I thought it was the best technical book I have ever read. Now that I have worked through the book and started to design my own PICmicro circuits, I wanted to find something that had all the information I needed. I ordered this book with some trepedation because I was nervous that it would be the big PICmicro book simply reformatted. I should have trusted Myke more; the book has very little overlap to the big PICmicro book and complements it very well and is perfect for somebody designing circuits. Combined with the big PICmicro book, you will have everything you need to work with the Microchip PICmicro!
Rating:  Summary: Part of a Great One-Two Punch Review: I finished "Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers" and I thought it was the best technical book I have ever read. Now that I have worked through the book and started to design my own PICmicro circuits, I wanted to find something that had all the information I needed. I ordered this book with some trepedation because I was nervous that it would be the big PICmicro book simply reformatted. I should have trusted Myke more; the book has very little overlap to the big PICmicro book and complements it very well and is perfect for somebody designing circuits. Combined with the big PICmicro book, you will have everything you need to work with the Microchip PICmicro!
Rating:  Summary: A nice compact Microchip PIC Reference Book. Review: I haven't seen a lot of interest in this book yet and I just wanted to point out to people what a great little reference book this is. Predko has nicely summarized all the information that is required by PIC developers. I was surprised to discover the book is almost 700 pages in length. Going through the book, there wasn't any information that I felt I needed that wasn't included. Along with PIC instruction sets, register definitions and addresses, there is a lot of source code that covers virtually every aspect of PIC interfacing. There is code for handling interrupts, interfacing to the built in serial ports, timers and so on. Along with PIC specific information, there is a lot of information on different devices that the PIC can interface to (including the PC) as well as several chapters devoted to the information (like ASCII tables) and formulas that I am always looking for when I am developing my own applications. This book will really clean off your workbench!
Rating:  Summary: Needs a better format Review: It would greatly help this book if it had tabs or some other way to help you index into the book. For example, if I want to look up an instruction, I open the book somewhere near the front 1/4 and spin the pages until I see the tables for the instruction set. Ah, but then I have to make sure I'm looking at the correct instruction set (low, mid, 17xx, 18xx) by going to the first page of the table to see its heading (the editor should emphasize on each page to which instruction set we are looking at. I have had to add mini Post-It(TM) notes to each section to help me index faster. Coverage of the instruction sets are lacking (one page should be dedicated to each instruction and examples for the use of that instruction should be given). Don't make me turn the book side-ways. Put separation lines between each instruction if you can't put each instruction on a separate page. I think the author should think more about what kind of information people would reference most. My feeling is that they would reference the instruction set and details about the instruction set the most. So that is where he should spend the most time getting a good format. Where would I go to look for IC pin identification? The data sheet of course; not this book. Where would I go to see examples of how to hook up an LCD. Perhaps to the Programming and Customizing" book, but not in a reference book. One last comment about the size and shape. I would rather see a book that's 6"x4" and 1/4" deep rather than 3"x2" and 1" deep. The current size and shape require multiple pages to cover topics, make indexing into the book harder because there are more pages to spin through, and the book doesn't stay open unless you turn it over. (how can I refer to the text and type on my PC at the same time if the book is face down?) I, personally, am going to look on the web for a better reference document that is easier to use. I wish one could get their money back for books that don't meet your expectations. I usually get books through inter-library loan and check it out to see it's good enough to purchase. I guess I should have done that with this book.
Rating:  Summary: Needs a better format Review: It would greatly help this book if it had tabs or some other way to help you index into the book. For example, if I want to look up an instruction, I open the book somewhere near the front 1/4 and spin the pages until I see the tables for the instruction set. Ah, but then I have to make sure I'm looking at the correct instruction set (low, mid, 17xx, 18xx) by going to the first page of the table to see its heading (the editor should emphasize on each page to which instruction set we are looking at. I have had to add mini Post-It(TM) notes to each section to help me index faster. Coverage of the instruction sets are lacking (one page should be dedicated to each instruction and examples for the use of that instruction should be given). Don't make me turn the book side-ways. Put separation lines between each instruction if you can't put each instruction on a separate page. I think the author should think more about what kind of information people would reference most. My feeling is that they would reference the instruction set and details about the instruction set the most. So that is where he should spend the most time getting a good format. Where would I go to look for IC pin identification? The data sheet of course; not this book. Where would I go to see examples of how to hook up an LCD. Perhaps to the Programming and Customizing" book, but not in a reference book. One last comment about the size and shape. I would rather see a book that's 6"x4" and 1/4" deep rather than 3"x2" and 1" deep. The current size and shape require multiple pages to cover topics, make indexing into the book harder because there are more pages to spin through, and the book doesn't stay open unless you turn it over. (how can I refer to the text and type on my PC at the same time if the book is face down?) I, personally, am going to look on the web for a better reference document that is easier to use. I wish one could get their money back for books that don't meet your expectations. I usually get books through inter-library loan and check it out to see it's good enough to purchase. I guess I should have done that with this book.
Rating:  Summary: It's the accuracy, stupid. This is a reference book. Review: There's a lot of great information in this companion to Myke's "Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers". But it's inexcusable to repeat the poor organization, spelling, and accuracy of that book. That book began, "Though may (sic) name is on the cover of this book...". Okay, it's a typo and we all know what he meant. But in this "reference work", errors still abound. To cite just one example, some of the pin-out diagrams on page 12 are wrong. "Hey Myke, we're using this information to solder circuits here. Can someone check this stuff before it gets printed!" Much of the content originates with the source book, but the choice of what is included is odd. For example, using the index, one can easily find wiring diagrams and code to connect LCD panels. But looking up some common programming commands requires going to broad information categories, rather than indexing all of the reserved words. This book is still extremely useful and the Author is VERY knowledgeable. But he also frustrates his readers. For the same reasons that carpenters say "Measure twice, cut once" this book could have benefited from more careful planning and proofing.
Rating:  Summary: It's the accuracy, stupid. This is a reference book. Review: There's a lot of great information in this companion to Myke's "Programming and Customizing PICmicro Microcontrollers". But it's inexcusable to repeat the poor organization, spelling, and accuracy of that book. That book began, "Though may (sic) name is on the cover of this book...". Okay, it's a typo and we all know what he meant. But in this "reference work", errors still abound. To cite just one example, some of the pin-out diagrams on page 12 are wrong. "Hey Myke, we're using this information to solder circuits here. Can someone check this stuff before it gets printed!" Much of the content originates with the source book, but the choice of what is included is odd. For example, using the index, one can easily find wiring diagrams and code to connect LCD panels. But looking up some common programming commands requires going to broad information categories, rather than indexing all of the reserved words. This book is still extremely useful and the Author is VERY knowledgeable. But he also frustrates his readers. For the same reasons that carpenters say "Measure twice, cut once" this book could have benefited from more careful planning and proofing.
Rating:  Summary: Packed with stuff Review: This is a good book with a dabble of info on just about everything. I have only begun to make use of its potential. Keep in mind it is a pocket reference, so it's geared toward people who are already along their way knowing PICs fairly well. If you fall into that category this book is worth its cost without a doubt.