Rating:  Summary: Great book, but BAD review from REVIEWER "Aspie Progger" Review: First of all, I must say that the review from reviewer "Aspie Progger", September 15, 2004 was terribly inaccurate. I read this book and I am using its methods with great success. I was going to write a general positive review for this book, but I think reviewer "Aspie Progger" did potential readers of this book an injustice, so I must address reviewer's comments.
"Aspie Progger" said it is a "get rich quick scheme." How can that be, when the author says the program will take you about 2 1/2 years to complete? 2 1/2 doesn't seem like a "get rich quick" plan. Selling three houses and making $30,000 in one month with no experience, like the Infomercial real estates guys say you can, is a "get rich quick scheme!"
"Aspie Progger" also incorrectly understood about getting a computer science degree and work experience. If this reviewer actually read the book while he/she was awake, he/she would see that the author vehemently says even though you don't NEED a degree for CONTRACT PROGRAMMING (which is not the same as being an IT employee) you should take college or trade school classes AND he describes how to get the necessary industry experience as part of the program.
Reviewer "Aspie Progger" also makes note that the author was a Mechanical Engineer prior to becoming a contract programmer. What he/she doesn't mention is that the author had terrible study skills and started out so poorly in engineering school, that he worked hard in developing a study method that ultimately gave him virtually straight "A's" in all of his subsequent classes including his later computer science classes. This study method is the basis for the book.
In addition, reviewer "Aspie Progger" talks about engineering students taking FORTRAN. Big deal! What is one FORTRAN class in an engineering curriculum? It is nothing compared to learning data structures, object oriented programming, distributed load balanced programming, client-server technology, database design and development, systems programming, compiler theory, analysis of algorithms, etc.
Finally, The Secret Path To Contract Programming Riches is a very useful book for those who want to move as directly as possible into contract programming, starting from scratch. If you love computers and have an entrepreneuring heart, then this book is a great starting place for you.
The author & publisher warn the reader that the program is intensive, but you can take any pace you want. It isn't a panacea and isn't perfect, what is? If you have problems studying technical subjects and want to learn how to focus your goals to become a successful contract programmer, as quickly as possible, without cutting corners, this is the book for you.
I had to say all this because I think this book is great. A few dates and salary numbers may be a bit outdated and the IT market isn't what is was a few years ago, but the message of focus & determination coupled with top-notch study skills & persistence rings clearly at any day and age. Sorry I was so rough on you reviewer "Aspie Progger", but you simply didn't get the message. By the way, do a "Google Groups" search using: "REVIEW - Secret Path to Contract Programming Riches" for some great additional reviews.
Rating:  Summary: Get it and move fast! Review: Here is the skinny on this excellent little book.This book really gets you excited and teaches you about getting into contract programming starting from square one. It will give you an edge in getting started and provide you with little tricks and tips on moving quickly and surely into contracting. A true beginner's guide indeed. The other books already assume you are a professional programmer. This one does not. In fact, the author wrote the book specifically for those who always wanted a career in computers/programming, but were unsure how to proceed, let alone become a high-paid contract programmer. The U.S. government said that the IT field will have the fastest growing careers and is schedueled to boom again. You should move now if you are going to move at all. Temporary worker hiring is already increasing. Forget about being an employee. Use this book to build your confidence. It will even show you a very cool study method which teaches you how to master learning computer science. Conclusion: A very unique, motivational and worthwhile read. You can succeed without it, but you'll do it much faster and more confidently WITH it! Buy it today!
Rating:  Summary: Audio version is inspiring. Review: I can't add much more than what the other reviewers have said about the paperback version, except that the audio version really adds an extra dimension to your training experience! The author's enthusiasm and passion really inspire you. I think this is the only audio "course" available for contract programming, outside of the outrageously expensive courses you MIGHT purchase through some training school for like $1200! And even then, I don't think you will get as much as you will with this program. This audio CD set is money well-spent and it offers techniques I don't think you will find anywhere else. Pop the CDs in your car player and start programming "yourself" to create a great new career while you are sitting in traffic.
Rating:  Summary: Eye opening and motivational Review: I had the opportunity to work very closely with Mike on a project about a year ago. What I learned in those 2 years will never be able to be repaid and I consider him a very good friend. Everything Mike taught me (I was a jr. Developer) he put in his book. It is the lessons in the book that take you from "wanting" to be a great programmer to actually becoming a great programmer. Mike does not lie to you and tell you this will be a easy path to big money and contract. With effort, discipline, and Mikes study methods you not only learn the material but it will become second nature to you. A word about Mikes study method. I have applied his method in studying everything from history books, to foreign languages, to software development. For the up and coming programmer, whether you are in college or a computer hobbyist that wants to take it to the next level this book is definitely for you. Thanks Mike!!!
Rating:  Summary: Buy it now.... Review: I have been developing software for over 10 years both as a full time employee and a consultant. This book outlines great principles on how to study and get yourself started and stay in computer programming field. When you are in self doubt or start thinking twice about your programming career, read this book, and you will be fully charged with true advice.
Rating:  Summary: Read the book last night. Review: I just breezed though this book last night.I read it in one evening. It is not very long, and has rather large type...but that is OK, it didn't need to be longer. Pros: - The learning method is presented in a clear and concise manner. - The book is motivating. - I came away with some fresh ideas. Cons: - Some of the recommendations in the building your resume section of the book are a bit shady (but I would NOT say unethical), but the author does explain his reasoning behind this. - The author bordered on bragging in parts of the book, though I'll cut him some slack, since the thrust of the book is "I did it, and so can you". - I was looking for more specific recommendations for a self-study course of action. The author claims he will tell you EXACTLY what you need to do, then follows up by saying, "Find some good books on the subject", or "Find a good course". I was hoping for exact titles of books, at least on the supporting website. He does do this for some parts, but not Phase I & II. Summary: ... the book is overpriced ... It gave me some ideas, and motivation, and, overall, am satisfied with the book. I'd give it 3 1/2 stars if I could. - AK
Rating:  Summary: Worthwhile if you are serious and ready to work hard. Review: I just received my copy and have only skimmed it, but that was enough to make it a keeper. The book is not a "lowest common denominator" overview of the contract programming field. It is a very specific, step-by-step method to help you to go as quickly as possible into an independent programming career. It shows you how to use "extracurricular coding" to help speed-up your studying and mastery of programming. It talks about how to simplify your entry into contract programming by using a "broker." There is a cool part in the end where the author discusses 11 points on why you shouldn't act like an "employee" in order to maintain your professionalism and get repeat contract projects. Overall, it has many interesting insights that I never thought about and most importantly it seems as though the author sincerely wnats you to succeed. I'll write more once I have finished it.
Rating:  Summary: Beginners, students, computer hobbyists need this book! Review: I must tell you that if you know nothing about becomming a high-paid contract programmer and you want to learn everything from how to study programming, what to study, how to gain experience while you are in training and want to have a coach on your side motivating through every step-then buy this book! There's even a little story about the author intermixed with all the technical stuff. The author talks about why there are always some risks you have to take when you want to achieve greatness. He doesn't want you to just be successful-he wants you to be "massively" successful. One might confuse this book with a motivational, self-help book, if it weren't for all the technical stuff. I am recommending this book to all my college friends, even if they are not in computer science, because there is so much useful information on things like learning how to study to not only get better grades but how to master the subject, discussions on how to prepare for interviews to such a point that you love going to them, and more. So, all I can say is, if you are serious about becomming more than an "employee" the rest of your life and you want to waste as little time as possible - this is the book for you!
Rating:  Summary: insult to intelligence Review: I rarely write any reviews and absolutely don't like to harshly criticize anyone or anything but this book is an exception. I should've been warned by the obviously marketing-hype title, buy I decided to go ahead and purchase it. I've been regretting that decision from the moment I've read a couple of pages in it. I finished the book in a few hours and felt utterly insulted. I can summarize all the advice given in a sentence = MEMORIZE every programming book you buy and have the most basic common sense when dealing with various situations in your life. The author treats you as someone retarded lacking any sort of common sense, repeating almost every "idea" at least 5 times. He then tries to sell this as a perfect example of his "method", which is to memorize everything. This book could maybe be a 10 page article in a magazine but that's about it. Please don't spend your money in this, if you feel you need to throw away some money, give it to some charity instead.
Rating:  Summary: Best place to start! Review: I'll brief. I am a college computer student, sophomore, and I am an entrepreneur by heart. This book is perfect for those who want more than a simple 9-5 career. It shows you how to use you interest in computers to carve out a rewarding consulting career, starting from scratch. There are five steps to the program and each is detailed nicely. Best time to read it is when you are in computer school or getting ready to make a career change into programming, but don't want to work at a salary job. You can make great money in this field and right now is the time to make your move. I saw statistics that say contractors are being hired at an accelerating rate now and are being hired ahead of full-time employees! This book will help you be more than a simple college computer graduate or hobbyist. It will help go to the next level faster than you realize you can. I am going to study hard and make it big and I think this book is a perfect start for me. If you are like me, it will work for you too. Good luck to you! Jose