If you're a "just the facts, ma'am" kind of person, Windows NT Registry will call to you like the siren on the rocks. Yet another in the New Riders networking series, this book delivers the goods on fine-tuning your network operations via the Windows NT Registry, considered the nerve center of the operating system. Author Sandra Osborne, longtime programmer and Windows expert, presents the material in a straightforward, tough-to-argue-with style that's geared exclusively to the networking professional. Divided into three sections, Windows NT Registry tackles hardware issues, workstation components, and network client issues. Osborne cuts right to the chase in each chapter, briefly explaining the task at hand and then directing you to the precise location in the Registry from which you can complete it. In addition, you get loads of useful orientation screenshots, tables that consolidate information on various settings, sample commands, and an appendix that contains a complete listing of the Windows NT Registry keys. The liberally splattered quasi footnotes that contain tips, troubleshooting advice, warnings, and author notes detailing Osborne's personal experience with various components of the Registry are bonuses. A fantastic resource, this is an indispensable guide for those whose occupation requires them to regularly wrestle with NT. --Sarah L. Roberts-Witt